What is your recent (>= GHC 9.4) experience using Template Haskell?

Do you use GHC.Generics instead? If so, why?

I do…for a variety of reasons:

  1. Familiarity. I can sling codegen with Generics without much thought but I haven’t used enough TH to be as productive. I also find writing inductive TCs fun and fun is my no1 priority as a Haskeller :face_with_hand_over_mouth:
  2. It’s Just Haskell Types. For instance, the user can add extra type variables and things tend to Just Work. Whereas with TH, that’s often not the case.
    • One example of this is esqueleto records. They are codegen with TH, and you can’t add type variables. I implemented the same functionality with HKD+Generics (before the TH ever existed) and adding type variables Just Worked. Comes in handy…I should really upstream the Generics to esqueleto so those who prefer them can use them :grin:
  3. I find the Haddocks better. With TH, you pretty much have to either read English or click “source” to see wtf it does. While it might take some squinting, the Generics and TC-driven codegen do have meaningful types. And with some good taste, they can be as solid documentation as types can be.
  4. I don’t really care about the downsides. I just don’t play compile-time-accounting with my own projects? It’s all trade-offs, and I choose fancy stuff at the cost of compilation time. And there are plenty of tricks to keep my workflow fast even with super-fancy code.

(Also re: Generics…my understanding is the performance can be improved quite a bit by having it be a higher-branching-factor tree. The main downside is that’s a breaking change though…so we’d need GHC.Generics2 :slightly_frowning_face: )

While we are piling on Generics, here are my own gripes about it:

  • The naming – M1 S1 U1 K1 etc., despite doing a lot of generics programming over the years I have never gotten a good intuition for which is which.
  • How much overhead is necessitated when/if GHC fails to inline away things going through a generic Rep and how slow all that inliner work is. It would be much much better IMO if the generic representation was a flat SOP representation like in Data.Record.Generic
  • Finally: why aren’t documentation comments in Meta? That’d be such a nice feature for many encoder/decoder libraries. Basically the same gripe applies for TH though.

Misc thoughts:

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Thank you for the feedback so far.

Do you remember whether this was caused by splice functions needing to be defined in a module separate from their uses or was it caused by the implicit dependency ordering imposed by a top-level declaration splice such as $(return [])?

I think stability of template-haskell will become much better in the releases to come, when it can be maintained as a separate library, not in need of a version bump whenever a new GHC is released. See also the tracking ticket #24021.

However, the current design of template-haskell (everything is defined as a closed union of data constructors with an ever changing number of fields without record selectors) inevitably leads to a brittle API and will probably need a few refactorings in order to become more stable.
Also we need to improve the quoting capabilities offered by the language, because that offers by and large the most stable interface.
@teo, @rae, @adamgundry and I discussed a (perhaps System F-like) view data type over template-haskell's Type the other week that would also improve stability for consumers.

All that is to say: Stability is a concern, but one that we can improve rather systematically if we know what kind of breakages caused trouble in the past.

Great idea. There’s #12457 that tracks a more fleshed out proposal. I think it simply lacks someone dedicated to write down the GHC proposal and implement it.

Interesting. That seems like rather low-hanging fruit then. Do you know of a tracking issue?

Very cool :))

This is a great idea, but not that easily achievable after reading @brandonchinn178’s ticket.

Presumably you mean the typed TH equivalent of varE 'foo here? Yeah, I see how that isn’t currently possible in typed TH because of the lack of types in Name.

I think this is a huge factor. See #15822: template-haskell package lacks any real documentation · Issues · Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC · GitLab.

You are not alone here.

Incidentally, such a representation is easily achievable in (typed) TH; staged-sop. Alas, it needs a tweaked GHC. I would hope that we could achieve most of the goodness of the API by discarding types (for now).
IMO, such an API would be far superior to GHC.Generics. I started a TH prototype mirroring the latter when I realised that SOP is the far more natural representation.

I opened #24877.


I don’t think it is hard per se. It is just a some tedious work. I spent perhaps a weekend writing ghc-meta and updating it to support a newer GHC version took less than a day. If I had a more concrete use-case or more time I’d probably still be keeping it updated.

I’ll be at ZuriHac, so if there’s enough interest we could get together to update it and polish it into a proper package.


There also is ghc-hs-meta which basically does the same thing (I recently became a co-maintainer of that package, but I have only been doing trivial updates for newer GHCs). It works for all GHCs >=8.10, but it doesn’t yet cover the full AST. Would be happy to join forces here, will also be at ZuriHac :+1:


Template Haskell is basically wrong by design, as Edward Z Yang explains in a blog post. He’s right, it’s important stuff re: GHC/Haskell, but it’s confined to a blog post! It’s not been tied up the way textbook material has.

TH is a morass re: cross-compilation and it’s not even clear what the behavior under cross-compilation should be.


I would not say that TH is “wrong by design”. TH is about staged metaprogramming, whereas Racket macros are about extending source syntax. I recently learned that these approaches are slightly incompatible in the following ways:

  • Staged metaprogramming wants to name analyse and even type-check quotes, whereas macros absolutely do not and instead employ elaborate hygiene algorithms that support user-written binding constructs and hygiene-bending. You might enjoy reading my response here.
  • Staged metaprogramming has cross-stage persistence, that is, fun :: Int -> Q Exp; fun x = [| x + x |] will automatically lift the Int value of x to the next stage. As far as I know, macro systems do not want or have this kind of functionality, because the parameters of pattern-based macros are always quotes.

These two differences, combined with the urge to be backwards compatible, make it unlikely that -XTemplateHaskellQuotes will ever be used for macros in GHC. If we want macros, we need a different (third) kind of quote that is not renamed until expanded, and one which is not subject to cross-stage persistence.

I’m hopeful that many of the technical limitations that Edward writes about (stage restriction, cross compilation, lack of define-for-syntax) can be overcome, yet it will take a significant engineering effort.


FWIW @Ericson2314 wrote up a GHC proposal that covers similar ground https://github.com/ghc-proposals/ghc-proposals/pull/243. Though it’s stalled recently


We have a soft ban on Generic at our work code base because it is so much slower than TemplateHaskell. Even before we’d built support for byte code linking and 9.4’s recompilation checking, swapping all of our JSON instances for Generic from TH caused the compile time to double. I wrote optparse-th to replace optparse-generic for a large sum type, and this ended up reducing our optimized build time by over 15 minutes.

The biggest problem I have with TemplateHaskell is supporting multiple GHC versions in libraries I maintain for it. Fields are added to constructors in breaking ways constantly, and there’s rarely a convenient way aside from CPP littered across all of my projects to make it work nicely. I know I could publish a library to fix this, but it’s still annoying to need to do.

Typed Template Haskell is nice. I use it occasionally. It is somewhat difficult to go from a (Typeable a) => a to a Name suitable for use with reify, but it’s not that bad. The main problem is the difficulty supporting multiple GHC - knowing where and how to put liftSplice is a pain.


Thanks. Now that !12479 has been merged, I really hope that template-haskell can become much stabler and user-oriented, staying compatible with multiple GHC versions. This is all tracked in #24021.

Could you perhaps list a few concrete examples? Were they related to Exp, Dec or Type? Why couldn’t you use quotes for your use case? (Perhaps you were matching on code or needed to generate tuples?)


The most recent example is esqueleto's record functionality: esqueleto/src/Database/Esqueleto/Record.hs at master · bitemyapp/esqueleto · GitHub Searching for #if brings up 7 matches. It may be possible to use quotes to replace some of those - if you have suggestions I’d love to see them! But I generally find quotes a bit hard to work with: they break in weird ways and splicing often doesn’t work exactly how I’d want it to.

esqueleto seems to be what we call a class (C)+(D) client in Plan to Stabilise Template Haskell and thus is subject to breaking changes in the Exp data type. I think it could reasonably become a class (C)+(A) or (B) client in the future with rock-solid stability guarantees. For example,

pure $ ConP 'Value [] [VarP var]
[| Value $(varE var) |]

pure $ mkTySynInstD ''ToMaybeT (ConT sqlName) (ConT sqlMaybeName)
[d| type $(varT ''ToMaybeT) = $(varT sqlName) $(varT sqqlMaybeName) |] 
  -- actually not so sure about this one, but it *must* work some way; otherwise bug report

code like this should still work in GHC 12. After all, the Haskell2010 accepted by GHC will stay by and large the same as well.

I can see how this does not help at all with breakage introduced by the changes to TyVarBndr. It is unclear to me why we need to parameterise over flag. Just instantiate to (BndrVis,Specificity)! The additional info will simply be borign most of the time and lead to compile errors constructed in the wrong way (fine; that’s just a bug in esqueleto then. But in practice all those TyVarBndrs come from correctly constructed syntax anway).
It is also currently impossible to completely refactor the following code to a quote

  pure $
      [ Clause
          [VarP colsName]
          (NormalB bodyExp)
          -- `where` clause
          [ ValD
              (VarP processName)
              ( NormalB $
                  DoE (statements ++ [NoBindS $ AppE (VarE 'pure) (RecConE constructorName fieldExps)])
$(varE 'sqlSelectProcessRow) cols = 
   first ((fromString "Failed to parse " ++ $(lift (nameBase name)) ++ ": ") <>)
   flip evalStateT cols $ do
     pure $(varE name) { $*","(fieldExps) }

because we do not have “splicing expansion” (in macro slang) operators $*"\n" and $*"," (syntax tentative) which splice in lists separated by tokens \n/, (very roughly). That will need a GHC proposal.

Alternatively, if you don’t mind generating code that is not optimized for human readability, you could pre-desugar the do-notation and records like this:

spliceStmts [] k = k
spliceStmts (x:xs) k = [| $x >> $(spliceStmts xs k) |]

spliceRevApp f [] = f
spliceRevApp f (x:xs) = [| $(spliceApp f xs) $x |]


$(varE 'sqlSelectProcessRow) cols = 
   first ((fromString "Failed to parse " ++ $(lift (nameBase name)) ++ ": ") <>)
   flip evalStateT cols $
     $(spliceStmts statements (spliceRevApp (varE name) (reverse fieldExps)))

Of course there are still some problems that need to be ironed out, like that spliceStmts only supports statements that do not bind variables.


This would only help with one of the CPPs but th-abstraction has a compatibility shim for the BndrVis stuff.

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My main gripe with TH quotes is that your second example does not work. Splices fit in places in the syntax where you can fit either a type, an expression or a list of declarations [EDIT: or a pattern]. A name is none of those, nor is the left-hand side of a declaration (like here), or an instance head (the XX in instance ... => XX where). Names occur in many places: if you want to generate a bunch of foreign declarations, or a bunch of function declarations, you’re out of luck even if you’re doing absolutely nothing interesting with the syntax, and the generated Haskell code should work to back in the GHC 7 era.


I’ve created an issue for this on the GHC issue tracker here: #24922: Name should be spliceable in TH quotes · Issues · Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC · GitLab

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I’ve managed to eliminate most of these instances of CPP using quotes. See the MR here:

It also simplifies the code quite a bit I think (the diff size is: +44 -140).

There’s a bit of an open problem with quotes for Stmts so I wasn’t able to port some of the code over:


JFUI: starting from the resent GHC release you can use typed quotes in untyped splice and vice versa.

Source: Allow untyped brackets in typed splices and vice versa. (7397c784) · Commits · Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC · GitLab