Pixbuf from Image PixelRGBA8

I am seeking to obtain a Pixbuf value (package gi-gdkpixbuf) from an Image PixelRGBA8 value (package JuicyPixels). I currently have the following code, using pixbufNewFromData. imageData image is of type Data.Vector.Storable.Vector Word8. It seems to work, but I am not confident about low level memory management (as a general topic). Am I doing that aspect correctly? Any advice, gratefully received.

imagePixelRGBA8ToPixbuf :: Image PixelRGBA8 -> IO Pixbuf
imagePixelRGBA8ToPixbuf image = do
  let w = imageWidth image
      h = imageHeight image
      rowStride = w * 4 -- 4 bytes per PixelRGBA8
      n = h * rowStride
  SV.unsafeWith (imageData image) $ \ptr -> do
     pixbufPtr <- mallocBytes n
     copyBytes pixbufPtr ptr n
       True -- hasAlpha
       8 -- bitsPerSample
       (fromIntegral w) -- width
       (fromIntegral h) -- height
       (fromIntegral rowStride) -- rowStride
       (Just free) -- destroyFn

The wider context is that I am trying to present a Diagram B (packages diagrams-core, diagrams-rasterific) using a Picture (package gi-gtk >= 4.0) and I do not want to go via a file on disk. I am using diagrams-rasterific over diagrams-cairo because the latter produces pixels in (little endian) memory in the byte order B G R A (with premultiplied alpha) and a Pixbuf expects pixels in memory in the byte order R G B A.