Minutes from today's meeting available for review

At today’s meeting, we decided on a process for publishing our minutes.

  • Minutes to be co-edited live as a Google Doc during meetings by all present.
  • This Google Doc lives in a shared folder on Google Drive; the folder is available to all members of the HF Working Group.
  • Minutes are automatically ratified after 24 hours.
  • Someone (I volunteer) will then post the minutes to Discourse.

The HF Working Group is defined by https://docs.google.com/document/d/10e_UnTzr3xrwJyoET2RKZHcfLLQiaYkgNvVoi6kMX-A/edit. If you are not listed there, you do not have access to edit the minutes. But anyone can list themselves there! (You may also want to email me to grant access to the Google folder where the minutes are born.)

The Google folder where the minutes are born: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/1/folders/1mwmbk5ibXuCaxh2Iz02gbxYXDLWn7wC_

In due course, I hope we have a slightly more stable system in place (e.g. a home on GitHub for the minutes to be found easily in perpetuity), but this will do for now.