An external command system for cabal: what would you do with it?

I would probably use it to get cabal b and cabal r as in cargo

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I can imagine that b is an alias for build, what about r?

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cargo r is short for cargo run. Saves 2 characters, but for whatever reason it really feels like it makes an enormous difference. Full list of aliases from cargo --help:

Some common cargo commands are (see all commands with --list):
    build, b    Compile the current package
    check, c    Analyze the current package and report errors, but don't build object files
    clean       Remove the target directory
    doc, d      Build this package's and its dependencies' documentation
    new         Create a new cargo package
    init        Create a new cargo package in an existing directory
    add         Add dependencies to a manifest file
    remove      Remove dependencies from a manifest file
    run, r      Run a binary or example of the local package
    test, t     Run the tests
    bench       Run the benchmarks
    update      Update dependencies listed in Cargo.lock
    search      Search registry for crates
    publish     Package and upload this package to the registry
    install     Install a Rust binary. Default location is $HOME/.cargo/bin
    uninstall   Uninstall a Rust binary

I always have

alias cb='cabal build'
alias cr='cabal repl'

Another usecase I just discovered is generating ci workflow files (like Github’s .github/workflows/ci.yml) from cabal files. For example, the workflow for GitHub - haskell-CI/haskell-ci: Scripts and instructions for using CI services (e.g. Travis CI or Appveyor) with multiple GHC configurations currently consists in invoking haskell-ci with the name of the cabal file, but if cabal can provide the metadata from the cabal file itself, then cabal ci would also be a nice tool for managing CI workflows.


Perhaps we could also have a cabal doctests command?


Keep 'em coming, it’s very interesting!

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I would definitely love to see cabal add <dependency> and possibly even cabal remove <dependency>.

I remember when I first started with Haskell, it was very much a shock that I had to enter dependencies in the cabal file manually; esp coming from the world of nuget and npm and all of that. It really raised the bar for entry as a newcomer, and reading through the cabal manual was intimidating trying to figure out how it works.

This would go a long way towards fostering adoption of Haskell I think


Run cabal-prettify as cabal prettify. It already has a matching name!

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cabal stack ... /ducks


Of course once you have cabal add <dependency> you’ll want cabal expand-bounds [--lower] [--upper] [--test] <dependency>.

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Let me understand, where would you want to add that dependency? Since v2, cabal-install is mostly project based, and a project can contain many packages. Any (or most) project configuration can be added with cabal configure; but we are a bit stuck at modifying cabal files.

I would say maybe something like cabal add <dependency> <target-package> would suffice. If there’s only one package, just send it there by default.

I dont really know what cabal expand-bounds would do :sweat_smile:… But I don’t know much about cabal files besides how to add dependencies, expose modules, and I just recently learned how to set default language extensions :smiley:


Well, Cabal has a notion of targets, such as some-package:exe:some-executable. (Even though it is not communicated to the users as clearly as I should wish — for example, there is no way to list all available targets in the current project.) So, there is already a syntax for telling Cabal where you want to add that dependency.

The hard problem is to get an exact parser-printer pair for Cabal — as I understand, Emily @emilypi championed this project a year ago or so but it eventually stalled. And without an exact parser-printer pair we cannot programmatically add or remove anything.

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The exact-print parser is coming. :slight_smile:


As I understand (or project) your idea for the cabal add command, it would be as simple as possible so the beginners with trivial projects and packages don’t need to go into the weeds of what’s possible. Another requirement would be that the resulting bounds are PVP-compliant. The intersection of these two requirements means that the command cabal add my-new-dependency would just add something like , my-new-dependency ^>= X.Y.Z where X.Y.Z is the latest version of the dependency in Hackage index. The command should probably also verify that the bounds of my-new-dependency-X.Y.Z bounds are compatible with the bounds of all the existing dependencies, but that’s as far as I’d have it go.

That’s for beginners. Once those beginners gain some experience, they’ll notice that the automatically-added dependency bounds are too restrictive. Expanding those bounds is a far more demanding task with more knobs and a different user base. That’s why I’m suggesting it should be a separate Cabal command rather than a set of options on cabal add.

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Ah I see, yea that makes sense, and I agree. The cabal add command is for the beginners, or for people who just wanna go fast; It shouldn’t have to do anything more than just pick the latest version (or the latest version that works). It would be cool if it was capable of figuring out the widest possible version bounds, but that’s probably outside the scope of such a tool

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Slowed, not stalled :slight_smile: - it needed a person who wanted to see it through to the end and sadly, I became busy with life. Leave it to @Kleidukos and the more active team members and we’ll have one soon enough.


Our HSoC participant @VeryMilkyJoe is working on a POC for Feature Request: Add current file to Cabal (exposed/other) modules · Issue #3595 · haskell/haskell-language-server · GitHub. In the context of that work, a third-party Cabal parser is currently being written, that hopes to become an exact printer in the future. We don’t want to promise too much at this point, though.

Stay tuned for updates and the next HLS release :slight_smile:


Also remove-bounds!

Currently I have some hacky shell scripts in ghc-rpm-macros for packaging:

  • cabal-tweak-dep-ver
  • cabal-tweak-drop-dep
  • cabal-tweak-flag

See Tree - rpms/ghc-rpm-macros -