An external command system for cabal: what would you do with it?

Would it be possible to run cabal-edit (e.g. for “cabal add dep”)?
We could also use this for the upcoming “cabal audit”, powered by the security-advisories database.
What will be the provided environment for these external commands?


What environment variables would cabal set?

(I know I should have read the PR :joy:)

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Just because it’s you I’ll direct you to the CmdExec code :stuck_out_tongue:

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The two commands I am constantly using with Rust are cargo fmt and cargo clippy, now I can of course run ormolu / fourmolu / hlint myself, after I have installed them, but I would probably use cabal fmt and cabal lint instead if they were available as command aliases. And maybe at some future point in time we will have a linter and formatter available with every default installation and can tell beginners to just use these two commands.


Answering my own question:

  • GHC_ENVIRONMENT is set to a temp file containing a GHC environment with all the project dependencies. :thinking: what about setup dependencies? I need to check. They are not included.
  • The path to all exes in the plan in added to PATH.

I’d really love this. I am thinking about commands like cabal add <dependency> or cabal auto-modules <folder> which modify your .cabal file, simplifying current workflow. I guess these subcommands might be difficult to implement if you contribute to the cabal-install source code, but way more easy (and less burocratic) if you show a poc build by your own.

As someone said in the github discussion, a complementary subcomand like cabal metadata which prints useful data structures to the stdout, might be necessary so every external subcommand has a common initial point .


I’m not sure what I’d use it for; pretty much the main thing I want in cabal at the moment is file-watching and rebuilding :sweat_smile:

However, as you asked for other things, It’s only slightly related, but I have quite recently enjoyed the --then functionality in spago.


I would probably use it to get cabal b and cabal r as in cargo

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I can imagine that b is an alias for build, what about r?

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cargo r is short for cargo run. Saves 2 characters, but for whatever reason it really feels like it makes an enormous difference. Full list of aliases from cargo --help:

Some common cargo commands are (see all commands with --list):
    build, b    Compile the current package
    check, c    Analyze the current package and report errors, but don't build object files
    clean       Remove the target directory
    doc, d      Build this package's and its dependencies' documentation
    new         Create a new cargo package
    init        Create a new cargo package in an existing directory
    add         Add dependencies to a manifest file
    remove      Remove dependencies from a manifest file
    run, r      Run a binary or example of the local package
    test, t     Run the tests
    bench       Run the benchmarks
    update      Update dependencies listed in Cargo.lock
    search      Search registry for crates
    publish     Package and upload this package to the registry
    install     Install a Rust binary. Default location is $HOME/.cargo/bin
    uninstall   Uninstall a Rust binary

I always have

alias cb='cabal build'
alias cr='cabal repl'

Another usecase I just discovered is generating ci workflow files (like Github’s .github/workflows/ci.yml) from cabal files. For example, the workflow for GitHub - haskell-CI/haskell-ci: Scripts and instructions for using CI services (e.g. Travis CI or Appveyor) with multiple GHC configurations currently consists in invoking haskell-ci with the name of the cabal file, but if cabal can provide the metadata from the cabal file itself, then cabal ci would also be a nice tool for managing CI workflows.


Perhaps we could also have a cabal doctests command?


Keep 'em coming, it’s very interesting!

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I would definitely love to see cabal add <dependency> and possibly even cabal remove <dependency>.

I remember when I first started with Haskell, it was very much a shock that I had to enter dependencies in the cabal file manually; esp coming from the world of nuget and npm and all of that. It really raised the bar for entry as a newcomer, and reading through the cabal manual was intimidating trying to figure out how it works.

This would go a long way towards fostering adoption of Haskell I think


Run cabal-prettify as cabal prettify. It already has a matching name!

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cabal stack ... /ducks


Of course once you have cabal add <dependency> you’ll want cabal expand-bounds [--lower] [--upper] [--test] <dependency>.

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Let me understand, where would you want to add that dependency? Since v2, cabal-install is mostly project based, and a project can contain many packages. Any (or most) project configuration can be added with cabal configure; but we are a bit stuck at modifying cabal files.

I would say maybe something like cabal add <dependency> <target-package> would suffice. If there’s only one package, just send it there by default.

I dont really know what cabal expand-bounds would do :sweat_smile:… But I don’t know much about cabal files besides how to add dependencies, expose modules, and I just recently learned how to set default language extensions :smiley: