Just to close the loop, I ended up with the following:
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
module Palindromes
( largestPalindrome,
import qualified Control.Monad as M
import qualified Data.Either as E
import qualified Data.Maybe as Mb
type Palindrome = Maybe (Integer, [(Integer, Integer)])
largestPalindrome :: Integer -> Integer -> Palindrome
largestPalindrome minFactor maxFactor = outer (>=) Nothing rng
rng = [maxFactor, maxFactor - 1 .. minFactor]
smallestPalindrome :: Integer -> Integer -> Palindrome
smallestPalindrome minFactor maxFactor = outer (<=) Nothing rng
rng = [minFactor .. maxFactor]
-- outer loop
outer ::
(Integer -> Integer -> Bool) ->
Palindrome ->
[Integer] ->
outer _ pal [] = pal
outer op pal rng@(l : xs)
| null inner = pal
| otherwise = outer op (E.fromRight Nothing (last inner)) xs
-- inner loop
inner = takeWhile E.isRight $ scanl go (Right pal) rng
go = flip (palindrome op l) . either id id
palindrome ::
(Integer -> Integer -> Bool) ->
Integer ->
Integer ->
Palindrome ->
Either Palindrome Palindrome
palindrome op left right pal
| Mb.isJust $ M.mfilter (not . op pdt . fst) pal = Left Nothing
| isPal (show pdt) = Right justPal
| otherwise = Right pal
pdt = left * right
isPal = M.ap (==) reverse
If the newly found palindrome is not the same as the one found
before, we need to reset the factors. One palindrome may have
multiple factors, like 9 has [1, 9] and [3, 3].
newFact (p, fact) = if p == pdt then fact else []
newPal = fmap ((pdt,) . ((left, right) :) . newFact) pal
justPal = M.msum [newPal, Just (pdt, [(left, right)])]