Clearer description of the Board responsibilities

OK, thanks for all the suggestions. I propose the following specific changes to the Call for Nominations. Emily will execute on these changes shortly.

Everyone: feel free to suggest other improvements.


Under “Remit of the board”

  • Replace “The Board provides the strategic leadership for the Foundation.” with “The Board provides the strategic leadership for the Foundation, and is the decision-making body for everything the Foundation does.”

  • Add a bullet (after “Define, curate, and track…”)

    • Deploy the funds raised by the Foundation to support the Foundation’s goals.
  • After the bullets add

    The Foundation will not supplant or replace the excellent work of existing groups. So, for example, the GHC Steering Group is responsible for making decisions about GHC proposals. Similarly, decisions about stack are taken by the stack team, and about Haddock are taken by the Haddock team. The Board will hopefully influence these groups, and improve communication between them, but they remain individually responsible for decisions in their bailiwicks.

Under “Membership”

Add as a preamble (ie not a bullet)

Being a member of the Foundation Board means gives you the opportunity to contribute directly to the strategic direction of the Foundation, to help build the Haskell community, and to help promote the broader adoption of functional programming.