Is there a reason you made a second post?
It was not giving me the expected results, in fact I had mistaken the fromInteger function. I also thought I had to overload the operators for all Num types, so I made a second post. You are right, I should have continued there, I apologize.
I have more questions related to this example:
– Why does Floating require the definition of pi? Why should pi be special and not 0 or 1?
– I tried to define Measurement as a Floating instance like this
import Numeric.AD
instance Floating a => Floating (Measurement a) where
pi = Measurement pi 0
exp (Measurement a b) = Measurement (exp a) (sqrt ((b**2) * diff exp a ** 2))
log (Measurement a b) = Measurement (log a) (sqrt ((b**2) * diff log a ** 2))
sqrt (Measurement a b) = Measurement (sqrt a) (sqrt ((b**2) * diff sqrt a **2))
sin (Measurement a b) = Measurement (sin a) (sqrt ((b**2) * diff sin a ** 2))
cos (Measurement a b) = Measurement (cos a) (sqrt ((b**2) * diff cos a ** 2))
asin (Measurement a b) = Measurement (asin a) (sqrt ((b**2) * diff asin a ** 2))
acos (Measurement a b) = Measurement (acos a) (sqrt ((b**2) * diff acos a ** 2))
atan (Measurement a b) = Measurement (atan a) (sqrt ((b**2) * diff atan a ** 2))
sinh (Measurement a b) = Measurement (sinh a) (sqrt ((b**2) * diff sinh a ** 2))
cosh (Measurement a b) = Measurement (cosh a) (sqrt ((b**2) * diff cosh a ** 2))
asinh (Measurement a b) = Measurement (asinh a) (sqrt ((b**2) * diff asinh a ** 2))
acosh (Measurement a b) = Measurement (acosh a) (sqrt ((b**2) * diff acosh a ** 2))
atanh (Measurement a b) = Measurement (atanh a) (sqrt ((b**2) * diff atanh a ** 2))
There is a pattern, which could be rewritten in one of two ways:
sqrtDiff f a b = sqrt ((b**2) * diff f a ** 2)
newMeasurement f (Measurement c d) = Measurement (f c) (sqrtDiff f c d)
instance Functor Measurement where
fmap f (Measurement a b) = Measurement (f a) (sqrt ((b**2) * diff f a ** 2))
But both do not work, why?
The first works if you provide an explicit type signature for f
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
import Numeric.AD
data Measurement a = Measurement !a !a
sqrtDiff (f :: forall a. Num a => a -> a) a b =
sqrt ((b**2) * diff f a ** 2)
newMeasurement (f :: forall a. Num a => a -> a) (Measurement c d) =
Measurement (f c) (sqrtDiff f c d)
The second doesn’t work because the fmap f
of a Functor
instance needs to work for f
of an unrestricted type a -> b
. In newMeasurement
you are restricting f
to forall a. Num a => a -> a
Were there not talks (at some point in history) about some extensions allowing restricted functors and co ?
There’s this talk:
But nothing has come from that yet. Or actually there is also a more recent talk:
But I still don’t think there have been concrete steps to actually get this into GHC.
Are there ways to replace every function that has Measurement as its argument with newMeasurement?
w x = sin x * 5 + x ^ 2 + tan x + 12 --myfunction
a = Measurement 10 0.1
-- if I want (w a) I need to call newMeasurement
correctResult = newMeasurement w a -- (109.92825527301224 ± 1.7225014117201172)
wrongResult = w a -- (109.92825527301224 ± 1.4791137150045124)
What do you mean “replace”?
I would like to call (w a)
and get the correct result
Hmm, not really. newMeasurement w
is the correct way of calling it.
(<|) :: (forall a1. Floating a1 => a1 -> a1) -> Measurement Double -> Measurement Double
(<|) = newMeasurement
allows me to do this and get the correct result:
w <| a -- (109.92825527301224 ± 1.7225014117201172)
but it is ugly
Many sins against compositionality were committed in trying to avoid ugliness.
How about:
w = newMeasurement (\x -> sin x * 5 + x ^ 2 + tan x + 12)
But I don’t want to have to redefine all the functions I need by hand.
And the problem with newMeasurement is that if I should forget it once I would silently get wrong results
I would just drop the Num
instance for Measurement
. It doesn’t look like you actually need it any more! ad
seems to take care of whatever you wanted to do with it.
If I remove Num I can no longer handle a+a, a-a, etc.
Now my code is:
data Measurement a = Measurement !a !a
instance Show a => Show (Measurement a) where
show (Measurement v e) = "(" ++ show v ++ " ± " ++ show e ++ ")"
instance Floating a => Num (Measurement a) where
fromInteger n = Measurement (fromInteger n) 0
Measurement a b + Measurement c d = Measurement (a + c) (sqrt (b**2 + d**2))
Measurement a b - Measurement c d = Measurement (a - c) (sqrt (b**2 + d**2))
Measurement a b * Measurement c d = Measurement z (z * sqrt ((b/a)**2+(d/c)**2)) where z = a * c
abs (Measurement a b) = Measurement (abs a) b
signum (Measurement a b) = Measurement (signum a) (signum b)
instance Floating a => Fractional (Measurement a) where
Measurement a b / Measurement c d = Measurement z (z * sqrt ((b/a)**2+(d/c)**2)) where z = a / c
fromRational k = Measurement (fromRational k) 0
instance Floating a => Floating (Measurement a) where
pi = Measurement pi 0
exp = newMeasurement exp
log = newMeasurement log
sqrt = newMeasurement sqrt
sin = newMeasurement sin
cos = newMeasurement cos
asin = newMeasurement asin
acos = newMeasurement acos
atan = newMeasurement atan
sinh = newMeasurement sinh
cosh = newMeasurement cosh
asinh = newMeasurement asinh
acosh = newMeasurement acosh
atanh = newMeasurement atanh
sqrtDiff :: Floating a => (forall a1. Floating a1 => a1 -> a1) -> a -> a -> a
sqrtDiff f a b = sqrt ((b**2) * diff f a ** 2)
newMeasurement :: Floating a => (forall a1. Floating a1 => a1 -> a1) -> Measurement a -> Measurement a
newMeasurement f (Measurement c d) = Measurement (f c) (sqrtDiff f c d)
Sure, but you won’t do those any more. You’ll write a polymorphic function of type forall a. Num a => a -> a
(in which you can use +
, -
etc.) and then just run newMeasurement
at the top level.
you are right! thank you
How did you find the correct type signature?
I am trying to do the same function with complex numbers, but I cannot find the correct type.
complxMeas f (Measurement (q :+ w) (r :+ t)) =
Measurement v (sqrt (sum $ zipWith (*) gR errSq) :+ sqrt (sum $ zipWith (*) gIm errSq))
v = f [q, w] -- value of the function
gR = map (**2) (grad (realPart . f) [q, w]) -- sqr of the gradient of the real part
gIm = map (**2) (grad (imagPart . f) [q, w]) -- sqr of the gradient of the imag Part
errSq = map (**2) [r, t] -- sqr of the uncertainties
this is an example of f:
myComplexExponential :: RealFloat a => [a] -> Complex a
myComplexExponential [x, y] = exp (x:+y)
Are you looking for this? By the way, I suggest (a, a) -> Complex a
rather than [a] -> Complex a
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
import Numeric.AD
import Data.Complex
data Measurement a = Measurement !a !a
deriving Show
complxMeas ::
(forall a. RealFloat a => [a] -> Complex a) ->
Measurement (Complex Double) ->
Measurement (Complex Double)
complxMeas f (Measurement (q :+ w) (r :+ t)) =
Measurement v (sqrt (sum $ zipWith (*) gR errSq) :+ sqrt (sum $ zipWith (*) gIm errSq))
v = f [q, w] -- value of the function
gR = map (**2) (grad (realPart . f) [q, w]) -- sqr of the gradient of the real part
gIm = map (**2) (grad (imagPart . f) [q, w]) -- sqr of the gradient of the imag Part
errSq = map (**2) [r, t] -- sqr of the uncertainties
myComplexExponential :: RealFloat a => [a] -> Complex a
myComplexExponential [x, y] = exp (x:+y)
example :: Measurement (Complex Double)
example = complxMeas myComplexExponential (Measurement (1 :+ 2) (3 :+ 4))
-- ghci> example
-- Measurement ((-1.1312043837568135) :+ 2.4717266720048188) (10.453111215235202 :+ 8.68670641815356)