Eradicating unlawful Eq & Ord instances, crustacean style

I would also like to point to this previous discussion on Reddit:

I don’t have much experience with Rust, but we might actually want to check what their experience is. In that Reddit thread anydalch writes:

i think rust has proven this approach too unergonomic to be reasonable even in a language whose design goals skew much more towards Correctness than haskell’s

I wonder if Rust experts would agree.

Some other interesting suggestions. First by gilgamec:

even if you did this, you’d still have problems with nan. In order to avoid the problem, you would have to explicitly make partial functions, e.g.

class PartialEq a where 
  peq :: a -> a -> Maybe Bool
  pneq :: a -> a -> Maybe Bool

class PartialEq a => Eq a where 
  (==) :: a -> a -> Bool
  (==) a b = case peq a b of Just v -> b -- total by definition!

And by rampion:

I think you’d have an easier time with the “parse, don’t validate” approach, since then you wouldn’t need to shim in a whole new class, just a data type, which is way easier.

instance Eq ComparableDouble
instance Ord ComparableDouble
parseComparableDouble :: Double -> Maybe ComparableDouble
fromComparableDouble :: ComparableDouble -> Double

And by cartazio:

the real fix is to add support for signalling Nans and over time make that the default RTS flags. I’m working on that.

every other approach doesn’t really help anyone.

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