Fearless Tinkering is Functional

I started a blog series on functional programming. The current plan is to have five parts:

  1. Fearless Tinkering is Functional :point_left:
  2. Fearless Tinkering with Nix
  3. Fearless Tinkering with Haskell
  4. Fearless Tinkering is Algebraic
  5. Fearless Functional Future

The follow-up on Nix is 99% done, and I’m planning to get started on the Haskell article sometime over the next couple weeks. Lmk what you think :slight_smile:


When 10,000 new programmers are learning an imperative language to every individual learning a functional one, can a functional approach really compete?2

Your footnote doesn’t support the 10,000 factor claim. If you’re going to present psedo-scientific-looking footnotes, you should take extra care to not mislead like this.

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[2] Source: I made it up. The best I could find were X and Y, which can’t directly validate my claim but weakly support its order of magnitude.

This footnote was my attempt at clarifying the 10k claim. I decided to use footnotes for that kind of elaboration, but I can see how they might signal something different. Thanks for the feedback

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