GHC 9.4.1 is now available!

Yes, it appears that BSD and coreutils differ in their behavior here; clearly we need to improve our testing coverage of the wrapper scripts.

I have fixed this issue in !8789. Needless to say, we will need to put out a 9.4.2 quite soon. In the meantime, BSD users can patch the binary distribution with,

--- Makefile.old        2022-08-07 18:26:32.288968006 -0400
+++ Makefile    2022-08-07 18:26:44.505988585 -0400
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
 define installscript
        echo "installscript $1 -> $2"
        @if [ -L 'wrappers/$1' ]; then                \
-               $(CP) -P 'wrappers/$1' '$2' ;             \
+               $(CP) -RP 'wrappers/$1' '$2' ;            \
        else                                                                      \
                rm -f '$2' &&                                 \
                $(CREATE_SCRIPT) '$2' &&                  \