GHC 9.6.3 is now released

Builds are available for Fedora Linux and EPEL 9 in the testing repositories now since a few days.


@chreekat Is there a reason that 9.6.3 ships process-1.6.17 instead of 1.6.18 which contains an important bug fix:

May I ask a different question? Namely, is the significance of the macOS bug in process- such that its having been fixed in process- is considered to merit the release of a GHC 9.4.8 or a GHC 9.6.4, in due course?


It sounds like the answer was bad timing. I wasn’t involved in deciding what goes into 9.6.3, but like @wz1000 stated on the ticket you linked [I’m commenting here for the benefit of other readers], process-1.6.18 came out too close to the GHC release date.

For 9.6.4, the answer is “definitely”. There’s no dates specified for 9.6.4 yet, but it is coming.

To my knowledge, 9.4.7 was supposed to be the last release of the 9.4 series. I think it was briefly discussed this week, but I don’t know what the outcome was. The decision may still be pending. @mpickering would be the one to ask.


GHC 9.4.8, released today, ships with process-