Hi, I can’t resist to recommending my book “Functional Design and Architecture”. It’s exactly this:
- Describes a really practical Haskell;
- Tells you about application architectures, approaches, design patterns, best practices and principles of software development in Haskell;
- Is backed by the Hydra showcase framework having all the needed subsystems for building web backends and console apps out of the box (SQL DBs, logging, KV DBs, multithreading etc);
- Is backed by several showcase apps built on top of Hydra;
- Backed by the real-world technologies I created for several companies using the ideas from the book.
Let me articulate this better: I wrote my book, invented several approaches for building real world apps in Haskell, and then used these ideas in real production. In Juspay, where I’m working currently, we have at least 3 core frameworks I (with other colleagues) created:
- Haskell EulerHS framework (the older brother of Hydra). We use this framework for our financial backends intensively.
- PureScript Presto.Core framework. This one is needed for our mobile apps. Also very successful, and in fact the first framework I created for them.
- PureScript Presto.Backend. This is a fork of the Presto.Core, but for backends. They took the same design and used it for their backend needs. The most of the business logic is written on top of it (hundreds of kilos of LoC).
I and my team also created the Enecuum’s Node framework for distributed apps and blockchains. This allowed us to create a very reliable, highly concurrent and testable blockchain in short terms.
So you can see how much is done, all is due to my book (this is not the exhaustive list even). And just to be clear: no, I’m not only creating frameworks, I’m also developing a lot of business logic, so I know how it is important to have a good code base in terms of code quality, maintainability, simplicity, testability. These are all the topics of my book.
Currently, I’m working on the second edition for Manning Publications. Hope to have it at the end of this year.
And also, I have my second book under development: Pragmatic Type Level Design. Join me to know more!