How to access the data of PixelBaseComponent PixelRGB8

I am using JuicyPixels and want to achive the rbg data from PixelBaseComponent PixelRGB8,like bellows:

myfun1:: PixelBaseComponent PixelRGB8->IO ()
myfun1 (PixelRGB8 r g b)=do 
    putStrLn $ show r

But there goes wrong.

PixelBaseComponent PixelRGB8 is equal to Word8 (cf

What about:

myfun1:: PixelRGB8 -> IO ()
myfun1 (PixelRGB8 r g b) = do 
    putStrLn $ show r

Thank you! :grinning:Is there a function to convert Vector a to Ptr a or to convert ForeignPtr to Ptr?

Is there a function to convert Vector a to Ptr a or to convert ForeignPtr to Ptr?

There’s unsafeWith. You might have to combine that with convert if your vector is not storable yet.