How to create Arbitrary instance for dependent types?

Let’s say I have the following type:

import Test.QuickCheck
import GHC.TypeLits
import Data.Kind

data Vect :: Nat -> Type -> Type where
  VNil :: Vect 0 a
  VCons :: a -> Vect n a -> Vect (n + 1) a

I want to be able to write some QuickChecks about my values, so I want to write an Arbitrary instance.

sizedVect :: Int -> Gen a -> Gen (Vect n a)
sizedVect 0 _ = pure VNil
sizedVect n g = VCons <$> g <*> sizedVect (n - 1) g

instance Arbitrary (Vect n a) where
  arbitrary :: Gen (Vect n a)
  arbitrary = sized sizedVect

But it doesn’t work because, e.g, VNil does not have the type forall n . Vect n a, but Vect 0 a.

Perhaps I should be able to write something like this:

sizedVect :: (n :: Nat) -> Gen a -> Gen (Vect (n :: Nat) a)
arbitrary :: Gen (n :: Nat, Vect (n :: Nat) a)

This is like a Sigma type, but it is not clear to me how to write this type in Haskell syntax (and then how to write the QuickCheck tests)

I don’t think this helps with answering your question for Haskell, but my colleague wrote a paper about how to do it generically in Agda:

How about

data SomeVect a where
    SomeVect :: SNat n -> Vect n a -> SomeVect a

arbitrary :: Arbitrary a => Gen (SomeVect a)
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Here’s a more complete solution. Does it do what you want?

{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}

import Test.QuickCheck
import Data.Reflection
import GHC.TypeLits
import Data.Kind
import Data.Proxy

data SomeVect a where
    SomeVect :: KnownNat n => Vect n a -> SomeVect a

example :: Arbitrary a => Gen (SomeVect a)
example = do
  i <- arbitrary
  reifyNat i $ \(_ :: Proxy n) -> do
    v <- replicateV @n arbitrary
    pure (SomeVect v)


data Vect (n :: Nat) (a :: Type) where

replicateV :: forall n m a. Monad m => m a -> m (Vect n a)
replicateV = undefined

Interesting. This is probably harder than I thought.

What is SNat n? And also what is KnownNat n? What user tomjaguarpaw seems very much like Sigma types but with these additional constructs.

I am not really sure what the connection with the enumeration concept here is. I watched about 5 minutes of the video. Also, shouldn’t it be relatively easy to express Sigma types in Agda since it is a language with first class support for dependent types.

To explain these concepts in more detail, you want a Sigma type

(n :: Nat, Vect (n :: Nat) a)

But we don’t have those in Haskell. Instead you can have a second class existential type by writing it as a GADT:

data SomeVect a where
    SomeVect :: (n :: Nat) -> Vect (n :: Nat) a -> SomeNat a
    -- ^ This is not yet valid Haskell!

But we don’t have dependent types either! Instead there is a singleton type SNat :: Nat -> Type that does a similar job. It’s called a “singleton” because there is one value of type SNat n for each literal type n :: Natural. Using SNat we can write the desired Sigma type equivalent as

data SomeVect a where
    SomeVect :: SNat (n :: Nat) -> Vect (n :: Nat) a -> SomeNat a
    -- ^ This is now valid Haskell

For convenience there is a class KnownNat (n :: Nat) where natSing :: SNat n. This makes the above type equivalent to

data SomeVect a where
    SomeVect :: KnownNat (n :: Nat) => Vect (n :: Nat) a -> SomeNat a

In order to reify a value level Nat (or Integer) to a type level Nat we need to use reifyNat. That is we pass in an i :: Integer (actually I should have put a guard that it is non-negative) and we “get out” a type level n :: Nat.

I’ve never used Agda, but I guess in Agda SNat vanishes and reifyNat is roughly just function application.


Thanks for explaining.

I am still trying to wrap my head around the KnownNat constraint. What exactly is known about it?

Consider the following code. How do I make it typecheck?

data Vect :: Nat -> Type -> Type where
  VNil :: Vect 0 a
  VCons :: a -> Vect n a -> Vect (n + 1) a

data SomeVect a where
    SomeVect :: KnownNat n => Vect n a -> SomeVect a

someVectCons :: a -> SomeVect a -> SomeVect a
someVectCons x (SomeVect xs) = SomeVect $ VCons x xs

The compiler says:

• Could not deduce (KnownNat (n + 1))
    arising from a use of ‘SomeVect’
  from the context: KnownNat n
    bound by a pattern with constructor:
               SomeVect :: forall (n :: Nat) a.
                           KnownNat n =>
                           Vect n a -> SomeVect a,
             in an equation for ‘someVectCons’
    at /Users/agnishom/code/stl-workspace/server/src/PatternMatching/MITL.hs:96:17-27
• In the first argument of ‘($)’, namely ‘SomeVect’
  In the expression: SomeVect $ VCons x xs
  In an equation for ‘someVectCons’:
      someVectCons x (SomeVect xs) = SomeVect $ VCons x xs

If n is Known, shouldn’t n + 1 be so as well?

Also, how would you actually define replicateV? I would need to pattern match on n, but it isn’t actually available

Ah, that probably needs a KnownNat constraint too. KnownNat n => is exactly what allows you to pattern match on n.

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What’s known about it is its runtime representation, so you can pattern match/branch on it.

Yes, you may need a GHC plugin to solve these constraints. I can’t remember which one. Maybe this one:

I spent some time reading the blog posts about Singeltons

It seems that KnownNat n => and SNat n -> should be the same thing. However, I am confused.

I cannot seem to access the SNat type:

ghci> import GHC.TypeNats
ghci> :i Nat
type Nat :: *
type Nat = Natural
        -- Defined in ‘GHC.TypeNats’
ghci> :i SNat

I also cannot get the witness from the KnownNat

ghci> :i KnownNat 
type KnownNat :: Nat -> Constraint
class KnownNat n where
  GHC.TypeNats.natSing :: GHC.TypeNats.SNat n
  {-# MINIMAL natSing #-}
        -- Defined in ‘GHC.TypeNats’
ghci> :t natSing

<interactive>:1:1: error: Variable not in scope: natSing

I imagine that the correct way to write the replicateV function would be like replicateV :: forall n m a. (Monad m, KnownNat n) => m a -> m (Vect n a) and I probably need to able to pattern match on the SNat witness so that I know how many times to repeat.

You probably don’t need the SNat itself. You should be able to access all its functionality through KnownNat. For example, to pattern match you use

natVal :: forall n proxy. KnownNat n => proxy n -> Integer

What type constructor should I plugin for the variable proxy?

Easiest to use Data.Proxy.Proxy

I guess you’ll need an operator that can do a type level pred on a KnownNat constraint, and I don’t see where that is, but there must be one somewhere …

[EDIT: pred, not succ]

How would you get the value n :: Int from the value Proxy :: Proxy n?

Bind it in the type signature \(_ :: Proxy n) -> ...

You’ll need ScopedTypeVariables enabled (and exact behaviour may depend on GHC version, I’m not entirely sure.)

EDIT: Oh, to get the Int out (or rather Nat), just apply natVal, quoted above.

ignore my gibberish attempt

You probably need to enable a GHC plugin. I don’t know which one, but if you type “ghc plugins for type arithmetic” into your favourite search engine you will probably find some good candidates.