I hate making assumptions about the validity of input data. Especially input in Lists (which are not sets, and are not guaranteed ascending): really it’s a shame there are so many beginners’ exercise using only Lists; Haskell is no longer Lisp with bells on; early in an intro you should be introduced to more appropriate data structures (Data.Set
would be my go-to here).
However, I’ve assumed for the exercise:
- the input list is not necessarily ascending;
- it is not necessarily a set (duplicate elements allowed);
- it is not necessarily possible to pair up all the elements exhaustively
See the deviant tests.
inList = [1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 10, 12, 15]
rawPairs k xs@(_: ys@(_:_)) = [(x, y) | x <- xs, y <- ys, x+k == y]
filterDups _ [] = []
filterDups xy@(_,y) xys@(xy'@(x',_): xys')
| y == x' = filterTail
-- | y < x' = xys -- optimisation, assumes ascending
| otherwise = xy' : filterTail
where filterTail = filterDups xy xys'
nonDupPairs k xs = go $ rawPairs k xs
where go [] = []
go (xy : xys) = xy : go (filterDups xy xys)
{- -- tests
nonDupPairs 3 inList
===> [(1,4),(3,6),(7,10),(12,15)]
nonDupPairs 3 [1,4,7]
===> [(1,4)]
nonDupPairs 3 [4,1,4,7]
===> [(4,7),(1,4)]
nonDupPairs 3 [4,1]
===> []
nonDupPairs 3 [7,4,1]
===> [(1,4)]
nonDupPairs 3 [1,5,8,10,14]
===> [(5,8)]
nonDupPairs 3 [1,5,6,7,8,11,15]
===> [(5,8)]
nonDupPairs 3 [1,5,9,10,14]
===> []
The test with [4,1]
produces nothing, because of the y <- ys
optimisation in the List comprehension. Changing that to y <- xs
, as @jaror’s List comprehension, does then yield [(1,4)]