Is Hoogle down?

I’m unable to connect to the hoogle homepage today, I get timeouts or connection refused every time through browser and curl. Is the site down? I have to use stackage haddocks directly.

It was down. It is back up. You can check the status of haskell infra on (history link showing the downtime: server status)


Hoogle’s returning 502 ATM

Though it looks like the status configuration needs an entry for hoogle as well:

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Yea, with these incidents happening, it is hard to not think of “haskell is dying”.
Btw do you know of a way for me (and each of us) to prevent this from happening?

Dude it was a hardware problem server side, there is nothing that anybody in the community could have done and it has nothing to do with the language dying. Why do you feel the need to catastrophize about this?

(edit for clarity because it’s not showing up correctly for me: I’m not replying to the OP)


Well in the case, think of what would go on if the same happened to Java or Python official sites.

Yeah, it would also be really embarassing if something like AWS had down time, being a cloud provider and all that.

Oh wait. Nothing has 100% uptime. :rofl:


ATM that,, etc are all hosted on a single hardware server. I don’t think it’s fair to say that “there is nothing that anybody in the community could have done”. There are a variety of ways we could improve the hosting and minimize the issues with downtime, or improve the infrastructure or the accessibility of its mechanisms. These are solvable problems and it’s a bit extreme of you to suggest that nothing could have been done.

This has been discussed before - It’s not that no one has noticed these issues, or not attempted to take action.


It might be interesting to some of you: hoogle can run locally. I’ll lift the relevant part from an article I wrote ages ago:

Local docs means connectivity can be subpar and you can still get some work done.

I am grateful to people handling our infrastructure: they are doing an ecellent job with very little resources.


Where? When? Links to these nebulous “discussions” could be useful, if for no other reason than to prevent gratuitous repetition…

Abab9579, you’re still using Haskell? I thought you were switching to ALGOL 60

Maybe there’s not enough money for more?