The Hugs Haskell compiler/interpreter is a unique piece of work. Unfortunately, it’s kind of hard to install or build these days. Some time last year I tried to build it and gave up due to C build system arcanea. Is there any interest in bringing it back to life with “modern” CI builds, for example?
It gives me the same “time capsule” vibes that e.g. Common Lisp implementations do. A Haskell that I could target and know that it’s not a moving target. For e.g. teaching or scripting.
The only problem is that there’s no one left to keep it alive. Some distributions have historically provided packages for it, but I’m noticing more often that it’s lagging or not published anymore.
So I’m curious whether there’s any interest from others about keeping it on life support? Also, does anyone maintain a “modernised”/patched version of it privately? I thought about taking the 2006 release or a recent working one from Debian or something, but there might be build system work done on it already.