New notation for records?

By “classic notation”, I meant no other abstractions:

  • no HasThis, HasThat, HasTheOther or HasSomeMore classes or instances;

  • no row, column, diagonal, corner, vertex, height, width, length, size, volume or other obtuse forms of polymorphism;

  • et al!

…the ol’ warhorse didn’t need any of that, and neither did Lazy ML.

So treat records like small DB relations - I think I’ve seen that before:



If you have what is really a database structure of this-tuple cross-referencing that-tuple cross-referencing t’other-tuple, today’s only workable approach is to put the lot in an external database (could be in-memory) and interact with it via an SQL library. But then Haskell has no merits for that over any commercial language – and indeed Haskell’s laziness gets in the way (as others already mentioned). So I wouldn’t use Haskell – unless there’s some overpowering other reason for using Haskell.

Curiously (ref the discussion at @atravers’ “Alternatively”), SQL was at first designed to be declarative: that’s the only bit of Codd’s notion of an Algebra that survived a bunch of unimaginative IBM Engineers. The core of SQL (ignoring the ‘Procedural’ features) still is declarative – if you squint the right way; and lazy-ish: if your query merely wants to know whether a record EXISTS meeting some condition, it’ll return as soon as it finds one. (See also QUOTA queries.)

If you were trying to get there, I wouldn’t be starting from SQL – which was awful in 1970’s and has just got awfuller down the decades. wrt laziness for updates, SQL from the beginning was aimed at shared databases, with single-user being an afterthought when powerful-enough workstations came along. It can’t afford updates to be lazy, for fear of exposing an inconsistent state to other users/other threads. Any proposal to include weird behaviour like laziness would come with an avalanche of verbose syntax; and probably its semantics would be only pretending; and the DB companies would implement (something) with the utmost bad grace, if at all. I’d be starting from some version of a Relational Algebra.

purescript is Haskell-alike and at least has stand-alone records not tied to a particular datatype. Its records are implemented as javascript under the hood, so are limited by that. They do claim to be “extensible”, but that term is open to interpretation. javascript has strict semantics; purescript follows course, for conscious/deliberate reasons.


Given there was a Haskell with extensible records before 1998 (more powerful than ML, as I understand it); and then there was HList 2004 (which has been upgraded over the years to keep step with fancy type-acrobatics), you’da thought there would be continuing research.

There is a dude tinkering away with Hugs/Trex. It needed quite a bit of hacking OverlappingInstances and FunDeps before there was enough structure to manipulate Trex records (as opposed to polishing them nicely and putting them on a shelf); that post is reporting sufficient for an algebra over Trex records:

r == (r `proj` r2) `app` (r `remv` r2)    -- for all Trex records r, r2

Those three operations are sufficient to build a [Natural] Join; indeed are expressively complete for any operation over ‘labelled tuples’ providing they’re type-compatible.

In-memory solutions can use dictionaries instead of tables for most of the functionality (Elm conference video on it) and some dictionary types can be spine-lazy (e.g. Lazy types in radix-tree). So I’d say less of a “no merits” and more of an “untrodden design paths” situation.

Then that “dude” has a fundamental problem to solve first: making that extended Trex work without functional dependencies. Why? Because functional dependencies make the Haskell type system Turing-complete, and is why most other Haskell implementors dislike them so vehemently.

At some point in the future, functional dependencies will no longer exist in Haskell, if it stays primarily a functional language. So if that extended Trex system hasn’t been migrated away from them at that point, it will be irrelevant; a novelty some “dude” once managed to cobble together for an early Haskell interpreter…

What makes me even more suspicious about this supposed need for named fields/records is that - at least in Haskell - no-one has expressed a similar need for functions to have named parameters, such as:

instance Integral a where
   div { numerator :: a, denominator :: a } :: a

So what exactly is the difference here?

Functions rarely have a bunch of arguments of the same type, so it’s not all that useful. Contrast it with, for example, decoding, where an on-disk structure can be an array of ten 32-bit integers where each one means a different thing.

I think an extensible record solution similar to vinyl wouldn’t need any additional abstractions whatsoever, just a properly lazy type family arrangement, which GHC currently does not have. This would then allow records to use dictionaries, lists and arrays (both mutable and immutable) on the data level, which would ultimately solve all of the record woes, not just the aforementioned tip of the iceberg notation issue.

With something like that in place the question of whether Haskell’s ADTs really need named fields would become quite a bit more interesting.


Functions rarely have a bunch of arguments of the same type, so it’s not all that useful.

Start reading from:

…to the end of that thread.

But one of the often-regurgitated arguments against laziness is that an erroneous expression can escape from a suitable error-processing context, the common example being exceptions lurking in (lazy) structured data. Having a similar from of laziness at the type level risks incurring the same problem - type-errors going undetected for varying lengths of time, until someone (much later) refactors the associated code, at which time they are confronted with said (and unexpected) type-error, which is contrary to the stated objective of type-checking in Haskell: to catch type errors early.

The type-checking analogue of lenient evaluation could be another option, like what the functional logic language Verse uses…if some heuristic can be found to balance early error detection with permitting more programs to successfully pass type-checking.

Yes, with some combinators sprinkled in. The question we should ask is: What monad do record updates live in? It could be this:

import Control.Lens.Setter (set,over)
import Data.Monoid (Endo(..))

-- (,) (Endo s) is a monad because Endo s is a monoid
type Update s = (Endo s,())

runUpdate :: s -> Update s -> s
runUpdate s (Endo f,_) = f s

set_ :: Lens' s a -> a -> Update s
set_ l a = (Endo (set l a),())

over_ :: Lens' s a -> Update a -> Update s
over_ l (Endo f,_) = (Endo (over l f),())

Then your example could, provided the appropriate lenses, be written like this:

runUpdate r $ do
    over_ company $ do
        over_ boss $ do
            set_ age i
        over_ car $ do
            set_ name4 "new"
        set_ name2 "cmp"
    set_ name1 "ccc"

Perhaps someone adept could write a quasi-quoter that translates lens = value into set_ lens value and also introduces an over_ whenever lens do is seen inside the quasi-quoted region.

Remark: This trick to use a monad where we’re actually just building a monoidal value is e.g. used in the blaze libraries so that we can use do-notation to build markup.


Your timing couldn’t be worse: this last week. But do note named parameters are not necessarily the same thing as records with labelled fields – and indeed see @goldfirere’s detailed description of O’Caml, which seems to have three (at least) similar-but-different mechanisms.

I’m going to react violently against this claim. But really it’s off-topic of records notation. Could someone with an ‘Admin wrench’ please split off the posts on to a new thread.

(The stuff on named arguments is better moved there too IMO.)

Also someone had better tell the folk using GHC’s 9.n HasField etc features that it’s moribund (allegedly), since it relies heavily on FunDeps.

Is there something wrong with the type system being Turing-complete? Oleg has exploited that to good effect. Yes Haskell’s type system is unsound; as I understand it, that’s in addition to being T-c; and we seem to have lived with it ok for decades.

That’s very cool and reduces the amount of typing. Using lenses is cheating though, look how clean it looks anyways:

{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}

import Control.Lens.TH
import Control.Lens.Setter (set)

data Country = Country { _countryName :: String, _countryCompany :: Company } deriving (Show)
data Company = Company { _companyName :: String, _companyBoss :: Employee, _companyCar :: Car } deriving (Show)
data Employee = Employee { _employeeName :: String, _employeeAge :: Integer, _employeeCar :: Car } deriving (Show)
data Car = Car { _carName :: String } deriving (Show)

makeLenses ''Country
makeLenses ''Company
makeLenses ''Employee
makeLenses ''Car

example :: Integer -> Country -> Country
example i = set (countryCompany . companyBoss . employeeAge) i
          . set (countryCompany . companyCar . carName) "new"
          . set (countryCompany . companyName) "cmp"
          . set (countryName) "ccc"

main :: IO ()
main = do
    let car1 = Car { _carName = "car1" }
    let car2 = Car { _carName = "car2" }
    let boss = Employee { _employeeName = "Carl", _employeeAge = 30, _employeeCar = car2 }
    let comp = Company { _companyName = "Acme", _companyBoss = boss, _companyCar = car1 }
    let ctry = Country { _countryName = "Scotland", _countryCompany = comp }
    print ctry
    print $ example 420 ctry

My original intention was to see if it could be made into an extension of GHC so that the do’s desugar into plain record notation, so you don’t have to type all those brackets and nested records referring to the previous one. It wouldn’t involve lenses.

Not that lenses aren’t very cool.

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Indeed OP might not like this topic splintering in subthreads. Let us all try to stay on topic!


This could be just what’s needed to help Haskell’s record/named-fields system “out of the rut crater”, by establishing a common notation for both regular and constructor functions in Haskell. All commentary about (the lack of/adding) “true records” to Haskell can continue there:

…and never be seen here on this Discourse again, until a solution that works in GHC is found.

(For those who are wondering: I don’t have a G!tHub account :-)

  • Mom, can we add a dependency on lenses?
  • We have lenses at home.

Lenses at home:

{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes, BlockArguments, DuplicateRecordFields, OverloadedLabels #-}

import Control.Monad.State (State, execState, modify)
import GHC.OverloadedLabels (IsLabel(..))
import GHC.Records (HasField(..))

setField :: HasField s a b => b -> a -> a
setField = error "wait for"

instance (HasField s a b, c ~ ()) => IsLabel s (State b () -> State a c) where
  fromLabel inner = modify (setField @s =<< execState inner . getField @s)

newtype Setter a b = Setter { (.=) :: b -> State a () }

instance HasField s a b => IsLabel s (Setter a b) where
  fromLabel = Setter (modify . setField @s)

(&~) :: a -> State a () -> a
(&~) = flip execState

data Country = Country {name :: String, company :: Company} deriving Show
data Company = Company {name :: String, boss :: Employee, car :: Car} deriving Show
data Employee = Employee {name :: String, age :: Integer, empCar :: Car} deriving Show
data Car = Car {name :: String} deriving Show

f :: Integer -> Country -> Country
f i r =
  r &~ do
    #company do
        #boss do
            #age .= i
        #car do
            #name .= "new"
        #name .= "cmp"
    #name .= "ccc"

The deluxe version (requires 9.6+) even allows you to write:

  r &~ do
    #company do
        #"boss.age" .= i
        #"" .= "new"
        #name .= "cmp"
    #name .= "ccc"

Of course, there is the minor downside that neither actually works yet, but at least there’s a plan for them to work at some point.


I’m afraid the purpose of pointing to that video was lost on me. The guy drivelled on about Java something. If I wanted a decent record system I wouldn’t be going to Java in the first place. So elm [I got this from the tutorial, not the talk] has records built over javascript records (same as purescript). elmers appear not to nest records, but I see no reason why they couldn’t. Javanians do tend to nest records, but again I see no reason why they must.

Again, I didn’t get this from the video, but talk of “dictionary” and “spine” suggests a single indexible attribute. And the video seemed to navigate by a key. This is an even older (and also rejected) structure of database: ‘indexed-sequential’. Rejected because a single indexing path is too restrictive. The Relational Model approach is to store the ‘flat’ tuples separately from any consideration of paths to access it. One application might navigate from Country to Company to Employee, but another might navigate from Employee to Company. Either way round of nesting (as per o.p.) can’t handle all the likely routes of navigation.

“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” – George Santayana,

(OK, I don’t suppose most round here are old enough to remember the ‘database wars’, but it might occur to you databases are pretty much as old as commercial IT; asking a question from ‘Employee up’ rather than ‘Company down’ pre-dates commercial IT – there were rolodex cards; possibly some people have thought about the challenges.)

That’s amazing.

infixl 4 &~

f :: Integer -> Country -> Country
f i r = r &~ #"company.boss.age" .= i
          &~ #"" .= "new car"
          &~ #""     .= "new company"
          &~ #"name"             .= "new country"

Lens like.

Very cool. State s has the advantage over Writer (Endo s) that one can set and view at the same time.

Looks nice! Instead of relying on OverloadedLabels and parsing the Symbols, an alternative to the deluxe version could repurpose OverloadedRecordDot in combination with two helper values with and the, to let you write something like

f :: Integer -> Country -> Country
f i r =
  r &~ do do
      the.boss.age .= i .= "new" .= "cmp" .= "ccc"

Similar, using lenses, which will work today - Lenses with OverloadedRecordDot :slight_smile: With optics you can give every Optic a HasField fairly easily and avoid having the separate the thing, ironically bringing it back to how lens code looks (composition with .) at least for nested fields only.

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Trying to write my own implementation of

$(set ["countryCompany", "companyBoss", "employeeAge"]) i r

in Template Haskell to match

g r i = r { countryCompany = (countryCompany r) { companyBoss = (companyBoss (countryCompany r)) { employeeAge = i } } }

but I just straight up suck at it. :cry: