OverloadedStringDefault proposal

Yeah, “There is a report” and “GHC ain’t Haskell”.
However, we are 2023 so the report should to Haskell 2010, there is no need for a -XPatternGuard extension, it’s in the report

3.13 Case Expressions

lexp → case exp of { alts }
alts → alt1 ; … ; altn (n ≥ 1)
alt → pat → exp [where decls]
| pat gdpat [where decls]
| (empty alternative)

gdpat → guards → exp [ gdpat ]
guards → | guard1, …, guardn (n ≥ 1)
guard → pat ← infixexp (pattern guard)
| let decls (local declaration)
| infixexp (boolean guard)

There is even less need for -XNoPatternGuard, it’s not in the report (neither is -XHaskell98).
So, indeed I understand that we won’t remove extensions part of GHCxxx, so what the fuss.
And we won’t for Haskellxx either, so again, what the fuss ? Actually there is no real fuss about Haskellxx …

Congratulations, @maxigit! You’ve just volunteered to deal with all the resulting breakage, since that is apparently “no real fuss” for you…