I’m begging people to have some perspective on this. This is not an injustice. They’re reddit posts.
It’s bewildering to me the amount of people who are upset about this and who clearly don’t understand the reality of direct action. If the workers at a coffee shop go on strike to protest their working conditions and form a picket line which dissuades people from entering the store, those people are not suffering an injustice by not being able to buy coffee that day. They’re suffering an inconvenience, which is inconsequential compared to what is being protested. The picket line does not create an injustice, and thinking so is a consequence of having a perverted sense of what justice is. It comes down entirely to what is at stake and the gravity of the consequences.
Reddit makes its money off of the work that its power users and moderators do, and the changes they’re proposing are not fair to those people. You are not suffering an injustice by the collective action of moderators choosing to block out the subs you’ve contributed to. They’re text posts on a social media site.
All of this is so unbelievably inconsequential that it’s blowing my mind we’re even arguing about it. Even if they were gone forever, which they aren’t because they’re going to be brought back in read-only, it’s ludicrous to act like a bunch of text posts disappearing forever is an ‘injustice’.