r/Haskell will remain read-only

I think I would be unwilling to create that subreddit myself, but I’d join it if it existed. I don’t really expect it to succeed very well, though my tentative guess is it has a better chance long term than either discourse or kbin.

(I’d also like to hear how people who voted to stay closed would feel about this. Like, would that feel like a betrayal/defection/something like that, or not? I’m not saying that someone who wants to create the subreddit should necessarily let a close-voter veto that. But it seems good to hear their perspective regardless.)

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(Also, conditioning on this subreddit getting created, the name should “obviously” be /r/haskell' which would be rendered either /r/haskellprime or /r/haskell_prime.)


Somebody is going to wrest control of /r/Haskell back anyway. I don’t think there’s any need to come up with a new name for it.


…or the three of you could put the preverbial “big-people pants on”, and be the new moderators for r/Haskell - after the veritable “brow-beating” they took from the likes of you and others experiencing “Reddit-withdrawl symptoms”, they would probably even accept your generous offer. As a bonus, the three of you can let the rest of us know how well Reddit’s new offerings/alternatives are working for you :-D

But if that all seems too difficult, the Reddit mods you’ve all (collectively) been critical of recently would probably almost agree with you…


The hostility is uncalled for. I am using the “will” phrasing because admins will not give moderation powers to anybody else for at least 30 days.


they would probably even accept your generous offer

I don’t believe they would. And in fact, I did previously offer to be a mod. The offer stands, for whatever it’s worth. (Though I’d be reluctant to mod a new sub, at least in the immediate future, for the same reason I’d be reluctant to create it.)

the Reddit mods you’ve all (collectively) been critical of recently

I disagree that I’ve been critical of the reddit mods recently. Feel free to point at something I’ve said where you thought I was. It’s certainly possible I could have come across that way. But it wasn’t my intent.

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Was /r/haskell a high maintenance place to mod? The people were mostly civil (unlike some sports subs I use lmao) and it didn’t get much traffic. I’d imagine there’s the usual internet nonsense of scams and offensive content.


FWIW, I would also be willing to mod. I don’t know how hard it is and therefore cannot promise that I can keep up, but it seems like we should be able to keep adding mods until there are enough, right?

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If a group of redditors feels Reddit is worth sticking with and wants to start a subreddit for discussing Haskell, I don’t think there’s much of a case for standing in their way, nor any reasonable means to prevent it. I just think the community, broadly speaking, should carefully consider how much to rely on Reddit in the future.

(N.B.: While I ultimately didn’t vote for permanent closure, I have no plans of going back to r/haskell or any successor of it, so my two cents are perhaps somewhat relevant to your question.)


I don’t think it’s that easy, no, though I’m not sure exactly why. One thing I guess is when you get that many mods people start to disagree about what needs to be done in a given situation and then you get drama. Or maybe you just appoint someone who shouldn’t have been appointed and then you get drama. Another thing I guess is that some component of the work scales with size and doesn’t really parallelize well.

(I actually am a mod in a sub with lots of us. But that’s an unusual case and most of us including me basically don’t do anything as mods there.)

I can’t figure out the best time to submit a subreddit takeover request. On one hand, Taylor doesn’t seem to have much Reddit activity outside the subreddit. If the “top mod of a subreddit” is still active, one takeover process is used, according to the sidebar on /r/RedditRequest. If they aren’t, another is used. It’s hard to decide whether it makes sense to wait even longer and have the subreddit exit people’s home pages, just so that we could demonstrate to the Reddit admins that the subreddit is active. One could argue that Taylor has already committed to killing it, so why even wait?

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Can’t the sub reddit be rename to lets say ‘preStrikeHaskell’ or something, so that people who wants to can restart a r/haskell. People seem to be posting on r/haskellquestions now, which means it will becomes the defacto haskell subs …

Or just open a new one. It is ok to disagree with actions taken, but nobody owns anyone else a name.

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Renaming the subreddit would break all links to posts in it.


@taylorfausak Sorry, but this “poll” was not well executed (not a real poll, all sorts of comments floating around etc.) and the result still looks deeply split. I don’t understand how you can make a decision based on that. This is not transparent.


(Mostly off topic: this doesn’t have to be the case, since the post id is unique. Short links to posts like https://redd.it/14kb9y7 already don’t contain the subreddit name. Right now if you have a full URL and change the subreddit name in it you get a 404, but it could be made so that it redirects to the actual post. I suppose they don’t want to do that because then I could link to a post in /r/nsfw and pretend it’s a link to /r/haskell. But if reddit wanted to support renaming subs, they could keep a record of the sub’s old names and only redirect if the link is to one of those.

But in any case, I believe reddit doesn’t support renaming subs. So it doesn’t matter how they’d do it if they did.)

It wasn’t a close call, there were about twice as many votes for staying read-only as for reopening. We can argue about what a better execution would have been (an actual poll would have had advantages and disadvantages compared to what we had), but I don’t currently believe it would have changed the results enough to flip a 2:1 margin.


I think there’s an argument that raw democracy isn’t the right approach to such a decision.

I don’t believe that it’s possible for me to run a poll that everyone will accept. There will always be something it can be accused of.

I believe that the poll results show that there is broad support for staying read-only in order to protest Reddit’s actions. However it’s clearly not unanimous and many people feel strongly that the r/Haskell should reopen regardless of what Reddit does.


ironic how one of the arguments was made for re-opening the reddit to “re-unify” the community, however the discourse is now more active then ever. I think the split occurred when we opened the discourse, but kept the sub reddit open.