Seeking Volunteers: Haskell Experience Reports

Haskell has a bit of a public perception problem. Many non-Haskellers have the impression that Haskell is not for getting things done, but is instead a fancy technique for wasting academics time. This is obviously not true (in either sense…)!

In order to spread the word of Haskell in production, I am setting up Haskell Experience Reports, which will promote the voices of those using Haskell to build client-facing products. The reports take the form of a semi-formal blog, with sections in which you can detail your experience in key areas of software production, such as hiring, developer experience, and productivity. These reports will then be posted to social media platforms, and I will be pushing to integrate the reports into the HF’s website.

Filling out a report will take no more than 3 hours of your time, and I will aid you in the editing and writing process. In return, your company will be able to get your name out there and you will be able to promote this Haskell community that we care about!

I am looking for volunteers to help me write the first reports. You can find the repository and example report here:

The experience reports’ format is coming together, but I am definitely still looking for feedback :slight_smile:


Bump! Please do contact me :slight_smile: I will take on as much work as I possibly can!

I would suggest to reach out to Haskell Weekly so that you can better promote your efforts.
Thanks !

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