I believe (and that’s my personal perspective) that Haskell has given much to the PL research community and has reached the bottom of the feature fountain. Nowadays, exciting new languages / research platform seem to be more oriented towards a mix of proof assistant and general-purpose language (Idris, Lean, Coq, Agda). The 2020 decade might be the one where we cement our legacy and bring it to the wider public, and leave the cutting-edge research to other languages that can innovate in more radical ways without hurting their user base too much.
Edit: Since agda2hs appeared in the landscape, I have been toying with the idea of having a mix of Haskell and Agda code in my systems, but ultimately running Haskell programs in which some parts would have been generated from Agda. But I don’t believe we should invest any resource to make Haskell a dependently-typed language for the masses at this point.