This is an utter misrepresentation: the Hasochism paper is about how hard it is in Haskell as of 2013 to mimic Dependent Typing for advanced Haskellers/typistas. It is not concerned one jot with the experience for beginners to Haskell.
I was about to disagree with atravers that the whole point of putting stuff behind extensions is to insulate the (naive/beginner) user from the dark arts inside packages – especially packages providing low-level interfaces. And several others have made much the same point above. But Π-types break that barrier: if the only way to use a package is calling a function with a Π-type argument, the user is immediately faced with putting types in terms, not merely as narrations. Which leads me to …
The “razor-wire and landmines” is a vivid image but unhelpfully hand-wavy for this discussion. What is it about the beginner’s Haskell experience that’s initially seductive and then rapidly turns sour? For me it was a long time ago, so memory might deceive but …
I’d started programming at school on Dartmouth BASIC. Note types are implicit (as with Logo, another learner’s language). So I got a nasty shock when I encountered ‘bondage and discipline’ languages (Fortran, ALGOL-family, COBOL) that I had to give type declarations for every darned name. Then my joy at meeting Haskell: types implicit in simple cases; how do you know you’ve got beyond a simple case? The compiler starts complaining it can’t figure out the types, so it holds your hand, you can declare enough for a smooth experience. You’re eased into the sensible discipline of giving type decls, at least for your top-level/exportable names.
Hindley-Milner, Hindley-Milner, Hindley-Milner.
Then this is the dislocation beginners encounter: the point they’re forced (rather than merely encouraged) to put type annotations and directives. AmbiguousTypes
, ScopedTypeVariables
[**], ExplicitForall
, … I think this is the point at which my Haskell experience becomes qualitatively different. I ask myself whether I really should be going there.
[**] AFAICT, Lean doesn’t support ScopedTypeVariables
(?); it does provide ResultTypeSignatures
. Perhaps that tells us GHC has got it wrong. I say GHC there very deliberately: Hugs has always supported ResultTypeSignatures
, never ScopedTypeVariables
Then for me Π-types represent a step backwards to 1970’s bondage-and-discipline typing. I acknowledge there’s a need to use an argument only for its type, not its value, and to be able to declare that to the compiler; and that Proxy
or phantom types is a poor fit to that need. I see Π-types as an equally poor fit. (I’ve been reading the Lean manual: if you’re hearing screams from off-stage, that’s me yelling at how stupid it is.)
So my best hope for GHC is that when we do get an implementation of Dependent Typing, people will be able to take a long hard look, and at last understand it was a mistake. Trouble is, by then weyou’ll have another load of legacy code in libraries to maintain forever.