My personal highlights with short summaries:
[ICFP'22] Beyond Relooper: Recursive Translation of Unstructured Control Flow to Structu… - YouTube
Translate unstructured control flow into structures loops as required by WASM and JavaScript compilation targets. Will be implemented in an upcoming GHC release. -
[ICFP'22] Staged Compilation with Two-Level Type Theory - YouTube
Staging like Template Haskell but with a better theory and where quotations and splicing can mostly be automatically inferred. Unfortunately requires dependent types so it is unlikely to make its way into GHC in the short term. -
[ICFP'22] Fusing Industry and Academia at GitHub (Experience Report) - YouTube
GitHub uses Haskell for parsing, diffing, and otherwise analyzing code on their platform. Features Tree Sitter, Data Types à la Carte, fastsum, and fused-effects. -
[ICFP'22] Introduction and Elimination, Left and Right - YouTube
Exploring symmetries in programming styles that allow you to pattern match or copattern match on data or codata. Their new language is called Duo. -
[ICFP'22] A Completely Unique Account of Enumeration - YouTube
Enumerate your indexed (dependent) data types in Agda with strong guarantees about uniqueness and completeness. Useful for automated property testing. -
[ICFP'22] Linearly Qualified Types: Generic Inference for Capabilities and Uniqueness - YouTube
Practical Linear Types for Haskell without so much boilerplate.