Regarding: #strength028 - There Are A Slew Of Businesses Willing To Support The Ecosystem
you said:
The Haskell Foundation has received more than $450 000 in donations from more than 12 corporations in its first year, with more to come.
A somewhat outdated (but nice and concise) update on the financials is here:
In that post Andrew lists the following sponsors:
IOHK - $125,000
GitHub - $70,000 *Note: This contribution is earmarked for GHC developer support
Well Typed - $25,000
Mercury - $12,000
Flipstone - $20,000
Tweag - $25,000
Obsidian - $25,000
EMQ - $25,000
Digtal Asset - $70,000
Exfreight - $25,000
TripShot - $10,000
HERP - $10,000
My understanding is that Serokell is paying 3 people to implement dependent types in GHC.
I’m going to start a new thread to see if people will list these types of contributions that companies are making: