I’m writing a program where user types in commands. There are 2 parts to a command, a verb and a noun. Some commands has only a verb, like “quit”. Other commands require both a verb and a noun, like “add { firstName: “Alice”, age: 30 }”. For now I think nouns can just be JSON strings.
However, for simple rules like those, the code I write somewhat concerns me. For the full context, I’m using SDL2 bindings, and listsafe
-- Events and stuff
let eventPayloads = SDL.eventPayload <$> events
let shouldQuit = any ( == SDL.QuitEvent ) eventPayloads
shouldSubmitCmd = any ( isKeyHit SDL.KeycodeReturn ) eventPayloads
-- Actual parsing is below
let cmdTokens = words cmdInput
maybeVerb = Safe.head cmdTokens
maybeNoun :: Maybe String = ( Safe.!! ) cmdTokens 1
if shouldSubmitCmd then do
case maybeVerb of
Nothing ->
putStrLn "Error: Empty command." -- TODO: Print to GUI.
Just verb ->
case verb of
"add" ->
case maybeNoun of
Nothing ->
putStrLn "Error: Adding what?"
Just noun ->
putStrLn $ "Adding " ++ noun
"quit" ->
putStrLn "Quitting"
_ ->
putStrLn "Error: Unknown command."
It looks like a lot of branching to me. I’m not sure if this number of branching is normal. And if I need to handle the case of too many arguments, I’ll need to branch out and indent further.
One thing that came to my mind is parsers. I haven’t looked into it, but from my limited experience with URL parsers in Elm, I imagine I can set up parsers that turn strings into a sum type. For example in Elm, I’ll have:
type Route
= Blog Int
| NotFound
I can chain a string parser for “blog”, and an int parser, and map it to the type constructor Blog Int
. If parser fails that, then it’s mapped to NotFound
Assuming Haskell parsers are like that, I’m worried that if I use parsers, I’ll lose the ability to give user detailed feedback for different invalid commands. Because if the parser fails to parse a string into any type constructor, then it’ll fall back to an error type constructor. But there are more than one forms of invalid commands. So I can’t give specific feedback based on only one type of error. Or should I set up more error type constructors? Then I’m not sure if the resulted code will be much better than the current one.
I’d like some assistance before going too far. Is my understanding of parsers correct? Maybe there’s some clever usage of monads I haven’t seen?