Alternatively, if you don’t mind generating code that is not optimized for human readability, you could pre-desugar the do-notation and records like this:
spliceStmts [] k = k
spliceStmts (x:xs) k = [| $x >> $(spliceStmts xs k) |]
spliceRevApp f [] = f
spliceRevApp f (x:xs) = [| $(spliceApp f xs) $x |]
$(varE 'sqlSelectProcessRow) cols =
first ((fromString "Failed to parse " ++ $(lift (nameBase name)) ++ ": ") <>)
flip evalStateT cols $
$(spliceStmts statements (spliceRevApp (varE name) (reverse fieldExps)))
Of course there are still some problems that need to be ironed out, like that spliceStmts
only supports statements that do not bind variables.