I’m very happy this thread was made!
I’ve only been ED for three months and one thing that has become crystal clear is that the Haskell Community is built on a foundation of time and energy that is freely given.
Every aspect of the modern Haskell experience is touched by this: from first getting a Haskell environment via GHCUp and using Hackage (volunteers do that!), to developing with Cabal/Stack/HLS, to the moderators of the Haskell Discourse/Subreddit.
Some are fully volunteer, some are supported for some aspects of what they do, but volunteer and provide resources beyond that. Both modes of operation are gifts to the community.
There are too many to name, but I do want to echo that in my short time at the HF that @hasufell and @Kleidukos have put in a tremendous amount of energy into the Haskell ecosystem (I agree with @hasufell that energy is the prime resource in open source communities).
There’s also a lot of behind-the-scenes work that matters a lot and often goes unacknowledged: @sclv helps in many areas and has helped me get my bearings.
The entire TWG helps us better direct our resources.
The Security Response Team does a lot of background work that helps us mitigate known security issues.
The Haskell Foundation and Haskell.org boards put in a lot of time, all for the reward of having to attend more meetings.
Again, too many to name. Everywhere you look, there are people making it happen simply because they want to make it happen. We’re very lucky to have these people in our community.
I’ve been toying around with having a “Get to know a volunteer” section of the HF monthly updates, I’ve even asked a few folks for blurbs. This thread has assured me that this is a good idea. The monthly report I’ll release today will have the first one.