Why Data.Set (containers) doesn't have Functor and Monad instance?

For efficiency reasons, Set has an Ord constraint, but Functor has not!

On top of that, even if the Ord constraint were not a problem, Set would still not satisfy

fmap (f . g)  ==  fmap f . fmap g

for some peculiar Eq instances. E.g.:

import Data.Set as S

newtype A = A Double
    deriving Show

instance Eq A where
    (A a) == (A b) = round a == round b

instance Ord A where
    (A a) <= (A b) = a <= b

prova :: Set A
prova = fromList [A 11, A 12]

main = do
        print (S.map f . S.map g $ prova)
        print (S.map (f . g) prova)
        putStrLn "Ooops!"
        f (A n) = A (n * 10)
        g (A n) = A (n / 10)