Why use an effect system?

I like this idiom propsed by Ollie Charles (@ocharles your SSL cert needs renewing btw).

class Monad m => MonadWhatever m where
  liftWhatever :: Free (Coyoneda WhateverAPICall) a -> m a 

Unless you need to take in monadic arguments for some reason, it’s quite flexible and lets other effect libraries provide the necessary instances without you having to depend on every effect library in the library’s core package.

No, checked exceptions are a bad idea:

  • As mentioned earlier, from The C++ Programming Language, 4th edition (2011):

  • There’s also these observations from 2003:

So how many more programming languages will have to avoid them before people are convinced that checked exceptions are a bad idea?

New Haskellers are having enough problems with the monadic interface:

…do they really need more problems by “giving” them extra artefacts from one of the most abstract branches of mathematics?

Ollie’s post shows the rest of the interface; the Coyoneda stuff is an implementation detail that end users don’t need to interact with.

I do actually mention this article here. Although I focus on different aspects of it, because some are not very convincing.

Versioning one just smells to me like a mix of magical thinking and java-esque obsession with breaking changes. Not a great mix, tbh. Funny how adding D to foo “breaks client code” (it breaks compilation), but not adding D and throwing it anyway, breaks somebody code at runtime, but that is ok.

Scalability also seems like a problem with something else. So a subsystem throws 4-10 checked exceptions, but why not one? Maybe ADT Subsystem1Errors. Oh, sorry, no ADT in Java. Let’s do subclass of subsystem1, catch some of there, and rethrow less. Can’t be done. Oh, well.

So how many more programming languages, after PHP, Python, and JavaScript, have to become stunning successes before we convince ourselves that type systems are a bad idea? Oh, it is not 2003 anymore, and all of those have some form of type checking.

I don’t think whatever was half-baked into Java and C++ in the 90 should forever cast a shadow on that idea.

For one, checked exceptions are provided by libraries here, so no need to worry that standard library readfile will annoy everybody forever.

The other thing is, in Haskell we do a lot of result types, especially in pure code, and many of those are checked exceptions in all but name.

That would be a refreshing change:


That looks suspiciously like another variant of the true Scotsman fallacy - “a properly-designed effect system/exception framework shall not cause any problems…”

The first one can be used everywhere. It has no dependencies. Its arguments are monomorphic. I can just insert it into any IO computation and it will work without the need to change interfaces.

The second one is tightly coupled to the effect system. It’s impossible to convert to a pure IO action and pass to a non-Eff subsystem as it was specifically designed not to allow Connection e to escape. It’s polymorphic, so any data structure or function that uses Connection e becomes polymorphic despite no real polymorphism is involved. It’s only reusable within Eff framework and unusable outside. Doesn’t look too modular.

I re-read my points and can’t find which of them apply to a record of functions.

Not sure about “how to structure applications” – it very much depends on the application. But some guidelines about good and bad practices are definitely possible. I said a similar thing before: Haskell lacks a body of industrial usage wisdom.

And that’s what frustrates me. Effect systems are highly experimental, most of them are not production ready and/or have very serious flaws. Yet somehow they became a necessary pre-requisite for writing basic programs. They’re not.

If a new experimental thing appears, it’s probably better to advertise it as “look, what an interesting way to program” than “this is the future of Haskell”


Agreed. The more pure code and the less IO the better.

If one wants better control, it should be a discreet decision, not a jump on a bandwagon.

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Surprisingly, the most obvious option – providing a pure `IO’ interface – is missing. This would be the easiest for library users to integrate into whatever framework they’re using.

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  • An effect implementation doesn’t necessarily directly interface with IO at all
  • Limiting the surface area of where IO is used (e.g., only in the final unwrapping of an effect system) has its own benefits which are basically the arguments in favour of using pure functions where possible

Yes, everything must eventually be mashed together into an I/O action. But that’s all Haskell code - it must eventually get to main. That doesn’t stop us from writing pure functions.

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An effect implementation doesn’t necessarily directly interface with IO at all

That’s why I’ve been taking care to specify the effects as being “external” (as in externally-visible) - as mentioned elsewhere, “internal” effects can be confined runST-style.

Limiting the surface area of where IO is used (e.g., only in the final unwrapping of an effect system) has its own benefits which are basically the arguments in favour of using pure functions where possible.


For a time it was proclaimed that the solution to [chemical] pollution was dilution, which is false. Now for Haskell, a similar proclamation is being made - "the solution to the pollution of effects is the dilution of IO a into individually-typed effects". But one effect seems to always be ignored - the effect on code.

Be it:

  • Eff [... {- "external" effects -} ...] a
  • or regular IO a

…if a change to some obscure definition deep in the program means that definition then relies on an “external” effect, then everything that directly or indirectly relies on that formerly-obscure definition (i.e. its reverse dependencies) that was ordinary effect-free Haskell code must also be changed. That only using the maximum “dilution” - one “external” effect - or potentially all of them is irrelevant: as (correctly) noted in Kleidukos’s presentation, avoiding nondeterminism means all effects must be used in a sequential context which can only be accessed in full via the monadic interface.

So using individual “external” effects is definitely not the same as just using ordinary effect-free Haskell definitions.

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The unifying concept is indeed the existence of IO. You can choose how you want to deal with it. Maybe you feel more at ease with a “no missile launches here” tag effect reminded to you by the type system. Maybe not. Thus, each library with its opinion.

Also, from the paper:

The representation was error prone.

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It certainly was! So when a way was found to do it, dialogue-based I/O (which kept the management of “external” effects outside Haskell) was replaced with functor applicative arrow comonad monad-based I/O in the form of the abstract type IO a (which brought the management of “external” effects inside Haskell).

But now, IO a has been deemed as being semantically error-prone, in need of dilution into separate “external” effects. However there’s a problem here too - as noted in Kleidukos’s presentation, side effects are arbitrary (with “external” effects being externally-visible side effects). So how IO a should be diluted is also arbitrary - there are no “unit effects” in the same way there are chemical elements…and now there are more effect systems for Haskell than the 92 naturally-occurring elements of chemistry.

To summarise:

“External” effects are managed… Problem/s
outside Haskell (“wrapper” ) Error-prone (finnicky!)
inside Haskell (IO a) Error-prone (semantically!)
inside Haskell (effect system) Error-prone (wrong choice!)

…are there any other alternatives that can work for Haskell?

In my view the only true benefit to effect systems is that it’s the only sane way of getting dynamic dispatch in Haskell, so for anything production-grade you *could* have a mirror test system that behaves exactly the same, but calls test versions of all real-world things it links to. It’s still a remarkably hard thing to achieve however: you have to know how to structure your code and you have to avoid any type shenanigans because recursive type families are exponentially slow.

I sympathize with the idea that it would be nice to keep track of which effects are used in any given function, it’s a strongly typed language after all, but having to choose one of five effect libraries and then getting “rewarded” with both a bulkier codebase and performance overheads squarely puts this in the “only use at work on the high level” territory. If GHC had seamless native support for this and some way to precompile functions that only use one implementation at runtime, it would be a no-brainer.

I don’t see a natural benefit of using Readers over plain argument passing. Passing arguments indeed looks bulkier at the first glance, but it allows me to divide the context to the smallest necessary bits at every point. Reader on the other hand necessitates using lens (or more recently field selectors), blurs the line between which arguments are actually needed in a given function, and does not look any prettier.

I don’t see a need in checked exceptions, I lean on the side of “if I expect something to fail without terminating the process, then it’s not an exception”. It’s a natural extension of trying to decouple everything pure from effects, as I can simply use datatypes to convey that an undesired (but not critical) condition has occurred instead of breaking the control flow. It’s also faster.

Regarding lack of modularity in effects libraries, that’s pretty much how all of Haskell’s ecosystem works: instead of providing the minimal tools and letting users stitch things together, it’s instead expected that you use one of fifteen convenient runner functions and for anything beyond that you have to dive into non-PVP-compliant internals. This won’t change unless the community agrees it’s undesirable, good luck with that.


Regardless of whether you reflect the change (throwing a new type of exception) in the type signature or not, throwing a new type of exception is a breaking change (i.e. can break clients), and the users should be aware of it. It should cause a major version bump in your library even without checked exceptions.

Clients then need to consider what to do about the exception, and revisit the call sites.

My observation is that a lot of commentary on checked exceptions from 2000s and earlier (mostly in the context of C++ and Java) do not apply to today’s type systems, scale, and language features. Java did it poorly, and left people traumatized.

There will always be a use case for unchecked (and asynchronous) exceptions, like StackOverflow, HeapOverflow, and ThreadKilled. It probably makes sense to give the users the ability to throw unchecked exceptions as well, and let them decide when it makes sense to have an exception checked vs. unchecked.

Checked exceptions can be modeled as effects, and I suspect with polymorphic variants they can be conveniently composed (I have some notes on this here). No one proved that they can’t be made convenient to use.

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My observation is that a lot of commentary on checked exceptions from 2000s and earlier […] do not apply to today’s type systems, scale, and language features.

Then here’s the challenge for you and everyone else who thinks IO a is now bunglesome and needs diluting:

type IO a = Eff All a

…use your preferred system of effects to provide a Haskell declaration for All .

I see a lot of speculation here and people speaking past each-other. Why don’t you all go and build something with an effect system, and come back with actual production insights? The conversation would certainly be more productive.


Why don’t you all go and build something with an effect system, and come back with actual production insights?

I think I’ve heard this before…yes, that’s what it was:

…can we just wait until the GHC developers choose one, so it can be deemed as recommended workable?

The second one is tightly coupled to the effect system. It’s impossible to convert to a pure IO action and pass to a non-Eff subsystem … It’s only reusable within Eff framework and unusable outside. Doesn’t look too modular.

This is not true. There is no coupling to the effect system (assuming we’re talking about Bluefin). To see this, note that this function is safe:

tag :: Untagged.Connection -> Tagged.Connection e

so you can define the former write in terms of the latter:

untaggedWrite :: Connection -> Foo -> IO ()
untaggedWrite conn foo = runEff $ \io ->
  taggedWrite (tag conn) foo

Agreed with this. It would be good to establish one.

I disagree with this. Effect systems as a whole are an extremely well understood area of the Haskell world. They’re so well known, in fact, that their significant weaknesses, and potential approaches to ameliorate them, is extensively covered and recovered ground.

However, until the progression from ReaderT IO to effectful that I covered in my talk there had been no approach developed that resolved all the significant weaknesses. effectful does address all the issues of existing effect systems (with one exception: it doesn’t directly support multi-shot continuations – that’s probably fine!) and we know it doesn’t have any additional weaknesses of its own relative to IO because it is just IO. Bluefin inherits these properties.

I suppose one could argue: “but the additional interface that effectful and Bluefin put on IO is too complex”. But firstly, IOE :> es => Eff es a is (almost) just IO a, so you’re never far from the lowest common denominator, and secondly, I don’t believe there is a simpler way to carve out effects from IO. Can you think of one? If not then that’s evidence that carving out effects requires a certain level of additional complexity. If you don’t want that complexity then so be it, but that’s not the same as a proof that effectful and Bluefin are experimental or flawed.

I don’t recall anyone saying effect systems were a pre-requisite for writing basic programs. Can you point out such a claim?

Regarding “this is the future of Haskell”, perhaps you’re referring to my slide “Bluefin is the future of Haskell!” at timestamp 40s of my talk. To be clear, that is not advertising. That is simply my belief. The point of the talk was to justify that belief based on properties of Bluefin. To summarise why that is my belief:

To justify effect systems per se: I believe it is useful in practical programs to “make invalid operations unrepresentable”, i.e. use types to tightly delimit what externally-visible effects a function can perform. This must include, at minimum, state, exceptions and I/O, and it must do so in a composable manner.

To justify IO-based effect systems: it is essential for practical programming that an effect system provide resource safety and easy reasoning about behaviour. I don’t believe this is possible outside IO-based effect systems.

To justify Bluefin (i.e. value level effect arguments) versus effectful (i.e. type level effect arguments), I think it’s simpler and more approachable. (I wouldn’t really be surprised or disappointed if effectful won out over Bluefin. It’s a matter of taste and I’m happy to let the market decide. But the Haskell ecosystem really does IO-based effect systems to displace all others, and I think that’s inevitable.)


Do you also feel the same way about ST, which has the same “polymorphic” property?


That’s good news for effectful and Bluefin then, because you can use them in internal components without effecting external APIs, which can either be pure (if the internal components didn’t use IO) or use IO (if they did).

I agree. Bluefin and effectful can do this, no problem.

This is completely false for Bluefin and effectful because they are just IO wrappers: they are minimal and you can always just unwrap to IO.


I agree, but not everything has to be reusable outside the context it is important in. I mentioned codebase, but that is not good enough. I’d draw a distinction between application/library code. Then I’d agree that for library code (API to be precise), Eff is not it. But for application code, you don’t care for unusable outside.

Noisy types, leaks details, hides details, unmodular, Java factory, infects code. I think those could arguably work. I don’t know if it is worth discussing, though. Just wanted to point out that Bluefin is really close to a record of functions, which is what I like about it.

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