I will preface this that my understanding through reading this thread is that effect systems seem better for doing things with IO; therefore my pure logging endeavours below might not put them in the best light but I’d like to share what I’ve learned so far.
I’m currently making Snake in Haskell via Brick as a learning opportunity and decided I wanted to learn about effect systems and see what it was like to combine effect systems together with mtl/transformer-style. To understand 1) Can I make a logging system with a known name? and 2) if I can, how does it work alongside Brick?
Brick’s EventM type is a big ReaderT of stuff and I wanted to do logging on the side but without adding to the overall stack of Monad Transformers.
I choose Bluefin as the one to learn and came up with this for my logging solution.
My initial plan was to have the whole Eff es Eventlist
as a record in my overall GameplayState
type because then later, I can call runPureEff
and extract the Eventlist
out of it. I couldn’t get this work by adding Eff e Eventlist
to the GameplayState
type as then it becomes GameplayState e
and I struggled to get logInGame
function to be happy when called in my eventHandler
function (some type stuff, couldn’t figure it out why it wasn’t happy).
So right now I just build the list at the time of usage.
I thread it into my main program like so:
runLogger :: (forall e. Logger g e -> Eff (e :& es) r) -> g -> Eff es EventList
runLogger f gps =
execWriter $ \writ -> do
runReader gps $ \rea -> do
useImplIn f $ Logger (mapHandle writ) (mapHandle rea)
handleMovement :: (e1 :> es) => ([a1] -> Either a2 (K.KeyDispatcher KeyEvent m)) -> BrickEvent n e2 -> Logger GameplayState e1 -> Eff es ()
handleMovement disp ev (Logger writ readstate) = do
gameplaystate <- ask readstate
let logaction = getKeyEvent disp altConfig ev
tick = gameplaystate ^. tickNo
addToLog writ tick logaction
logInGame :: BrickEvent n e2 -> GameplayState -> EventList
logInGame ev gs = runPureEff $ runLogger (handleMovement gameplayDispatcher ev) $ gs
eventHandler :: BrickEvent MenuOptions Tick -> EventM MenuOptions GameplayState ()
eventHandler ev = do
glf <- use gameLog
gps <- get
case gs of
Playing _ -> do
zoom gameState $ handleGameplayEvent' ev
gameLog .= (logInGame ev gps <> glf)
tickNo %= (+1)
However, for me this solution feels like cheating because at the end of the day, all my Logger es
is doing is generating a singleton event to append onto the front of my EventList
which is a linked list and I’m just appending them onto the front of the list by calling a function ==> a lot of work for (++)
- which really should become a (:)
in this current state - and function to pattern match on KeyEvents
. Still, a lot has been learned so far.
Ideally, it would be nice to get the Logger e
or the Eff e
into the GameplayState
type but I can’t figure it out right now.
I’m still experimenting around and trying to understand it and I have nowhere near the capability as anyone used to working on this stuff on a regular basis :’) so apologies if I have butchered anything.