I’m using ubuntu mate with the apt package manager and I would like to install nix. Would installing nix interfere with apt in any way?
I think not, I am on NixOS and the last time I try nix on a Mac it use separate store.
The one way to test is fire up a VM to see.
Maybe you meant to ask over at https://discourse.nixos.org/ ?
Anyway, using Nix on Mint won’t interfere with apt at all. Nix only modifies the system by creating /nix and then some symlinks in your home directory (and maybe in /root, too. I forget). Besides these harmless symlinks, you can get rid of Nix entirely by deleting /nix.
I’ll try installing it and respond back on this thread.
I’m using Nix on an Ubuntu at work in conjunction with home-manager and it works flawlessly.
There were casual problems of integrating the SSH stack and SSSD if I recall correctly. Falling back to the Ubuntu-provided binaries works.
Just to respond back (I know it was a month ago). I’ve installed nix and everything seems fine so far.