Working Group minutes

Haskell Foundation Board Meeting

17 February 2021



  1. Emily Pillmore
  2. Andrew Boardman
  3. Niki Vazou
  4. José Pedro Magalhães
  5. Ryan Trinkle
  6. Chris Dornan
  7. Simon Peyton Jones
  8. Tom Ellis
  9. Alexander Bernauer
  10. Michael Snoyman
  11. Théophile Choutri
  12. Richard Eisenberg


  1. Andrew Lelechenko
  2. Scott Conley
  3. Wendy Devolder
  4. Edward Kmett

The Haskell Foundation folder.

Ways of Working (Alex)

  • Lots of topics!
  • Taking a sequential approach.
  • Plan in this document, including an order of delivery to the Board (see document)
  • No objections to this general plan

Then focus on the communication document.

  • Proposal: using mailing list primarily for Board communication
    • Operational, discussion e.g. arrange meetings.
    • Can be used for between-meeting votes
    • All official acts are recorded either in minutes or email list. (In the latter case it would be good practice to record those decisions in minutes of the next meeting.)
    • Known immutable copies (can edit retrospectively in Discourse)
    • Public archives (but cannot subscribe)
    • Anyone can email to it (but moderated, to avoid spam, but with a liberal policy)
    • Includes both board members and ex-officio Board meeting attendees (currently Emily and Andrew
  • Question: does that exclude chat tools e.g. Slack, Discord, IRC, Zulip (Emily recommends). Answer not excluded, good for informal, ad-hoc communication, but don’t use for substantive conversation esp related to decisions.
  • Alternative: only board members can email to it and save the moderators; others address the Board via Discourse.
  • Question: why mailing list and Discourse?
    • operational topics such as organising meetings is of no use for the general public
    • Better not to have both Discourse _and _email list for the Board. One or the other!
    • Use Discourse for external communication, announcements.
    • For a community member:
      • To address the Board specifically, email the Board email list.
      • To address the community, including board members, use Discourse
  • Action items
    • add chat option to async communication
    • be explicit about what kind of communication goes where
    • clean up HF discourse group to reflect the above (abolish the Working Group category)
    • Specify that the calendar is a Google calendar
  • Synchronous board meetings
    • Closed: board members plus ex-officio staff, plus any we invite or co-opt.
    • Board meeting attendees may edit agenda
    • Task forces: should decide their own mechanisms, but directed to the same general principles of open-ness, transparency, inclusiveness. (Which is the goal of all these mechanisms.)

State of the Foundation

  • Overview in State of the Haskell Foundation document (NB: multiple tabs).
  • Public-facing
  • Once fully populated will be world-readable, but suggest-only for editing
  • No requirement to offer an email address.
  • In Google for now, because tables in GitLab are a pain. But really belongs in GitLab… perhaps review.

Text communication platform

  • As above, we settled with Zulip (Emily recommends)

Budget committee

  • Nothing to report

Community engagement task force

  • Will meet on Friday

Documentation task force

  • Wiki volunteers have produced a first batch of articles to take care of. Waiting for upstream approval on the suggested actions.
  • Haddock volunteers are still tidying-up the repo. A blocker has been the latency of some packages to be compatible with ghc 9.0 for the CI
  • No support from the Foundation Board needed at present time. We welcome the choice of the Board to go with Zulip as a messaging platform for day-to-day work.

Technical agenda

New website

  • Emily has been reviewing the design.
  • Comment on the prototype by Friday (email Emily)


  • Contact list. Managed by the Funding task force; no need to share more widely.
  • Before long: invite community to suggest contacts – and make it clear to them how to do so.

Future meetings

  • Weds 1600 UTC; maybe 1630 or 1700.
  • Richard will write to non-attenders to check that they are OK with that time.