ZuriHac 2023 Videos Online

Hi Everyone

The ZuriHac 2023 recordings are now online:


Thanks to everyone who participated and contributed at the event with their talks, tracks, and other help! The other organisers and I look foward to seeing you at ZuriHac 2024!

Best regards
Farhad Mehta


Thanks Farhad, that was really quick!

For anyone who is curious, the videos from the GHC Contributors’ Workshop are with the editor and will be available some time in the next two weeks. :slight_smile:


There he is - “stirring the pot”:


…in remarks about the following paragraph from section 3.1 of the “Awkward Squad” paper:

Professor Elliott, would you be so kind as to just solve the I/O problem already? You can even present the solution at Zurihac 2024 - by that time, the rest of us will have only waited fourteen (14) years to see it…

Could we at last simply let Haskell/Agda only do the declarative part, and let the runtime written by c++/rust/zig in the imperative language soup to figure out the dirty job of how to actually run them?