2022 Call for Nominations for the Haskell Foundation

Hello everyone,

The Board of Directors of the Haskell Foundation is pleased to announce the nomination process for Board seats. As per the Board membership lifecycle rules, and since the current board has 13 members, at most one position may be filled by this call. Note that the Board may also choose to not elect any new members at this stage, since it is not about to drop below the minimum of 8 members.

The Board provides the strategic leadership for the Foundation, and is the final decision-making body for everything the Foundation does. More specifically, it ensures that the Foundation is working toward achieving its mission, and it appoints and supervises senior members of Foundation staff.

The Foundation Board


  • Being a member of the Foundation Board means giving you the opportunity to contribute directly to the strategic direction of the Foundation, to help build the Haskell community, and to help promote the broader adoption of functional programming.
  • Being a member of the Board is not an honorary post; it involves real work. There will typically be ad-hoc or permanent working groups, on which Board members are expected to serve or chair.
  • Currently, the Board meets for one hour every two weeks, with attendance taken. Board members may excuse themselves from meeting by an email to the Chair, but such excuses should ideally be infrequent.
  • Once appointed, Board members should act in the best interests of the Foundation and the entire Haskell community; they are not appointed to represent the interests of a particular group.


Nominations for membership of the Board will be evaluated against the following criteria:

  • You have a positive drive and vision for the Haskell community and ecosystem
  • You have a track record of contribution to the Haskell community and ecosystem
  • You are widely trusted and respected in the community.
  • You have enough time and energy to devote to being a member of the board; it is not an honorary position!

Moreover, the Haskell Foundation Board aims to reflect the priorities of Haskell’s various constituencies, including:

  • Companies that use Haskell in production, and Haskell consultancies; giving this group a stronger voice is one of the HF’s main goals.
  • Users of Haskell. That might include companies, but also includes the broader open-source community, hobbyists, etc.
  • Sponsors: companies (or even individuals) who are funding the Foundation.
  • People who build and run the infrastructure of the Haskell ecosystem: compilers, libraries, packaging and distribution, IDEs etc.
  • Educators, including school, university, and commercial training courses.
  • Functional programming researchers who build on and/or develop Haskell.

NB: nominations are also welcome from individuals who meet other criteria but do not represent any particular constituency.

Simultaneously hitting all these criteria is nigh impossible. However, each subsequent round of nominations for new Board members offers a fresh chance to rectify any imbalances.


Please submit your nomination to nominations@haskell.foundation, by 1st March 2022.

Your nomination should be accompanied by a brief CV and a covering letter that says

  • How you fit the above criteria.
  • Why you would like to be a Board member
  • What you feel you could contribute

For further information about the nomination process, please contact the secretariat of the Foundation (Secretary Théophile Hécate Choutri and Vice Secretary José Pedro Magalhães) at secretariat@haskell.foundation.