A new kind of Continuation-like Monad?

Recently (I think) I found the following Monad. Is this known somewhere? Is there any usage of it for programming? (Or I’m totally wrong, and it’s not a lawful Monad at all?)

-- | It /looks/ like it is the product monad of 'Control.Monad.Trans.Select.Select' and
--   'Control.Monad.Trans.Cont.Cont' ...
--   but it isn't! The two components are not independent.
data SC s a = SC {
    runSelect :: (a -> s) -> a,
    runCont :: (a -> s) -> s
  deriving Functor

instance Applicative (SC s) where
  pure = pureSC
  (<*>) = ap
instance Monad (SC s) where
  ma >>= k = joinSC (fmap k ma)

pureSC :: a -> SC s a
pureSC x = SC { runSelect = const x, runCont = ($ x) }

joinSC :: SC s (SC s a) -> SC s a
joinSC mmx = SC { runSelect = selPart, runCont = contPart }
    contPart = \f -> runCont mmx (\mx -> runCont mx f)
    selPart = \f -> runSelect (runSelect mmx (\mx -> runCont mx f)) f

Compare it with Selection monad and Continuation monad:

-- | Continuation monad
newtype C s a = C { runC :: (a -> s) -> s }
  deriving Functor

pureC :: a -> C s a
pureC x = C ($ x)

joinC :: C s (C s a) -> C s a
joinC mmx = C $ \f -> runC mmx (\mx -> runC mx f)

-- | Selection monad
newtype S s a = S { runS :: (a -> s) -> a }
  deriving Functor

pureS :: a -> S s a
pureS x = S $ const x

joinS :: S s (S s a) -> S s a
joinS mmx = S $ \f -> runS (runS mmx (\mx -> f (runS mx f))) f

Note that the Cont part of the new monad SC s is exactly the continuation monad C s, but the Select part is not just a translation of S s. joinSC of the Select part depends on the Cont part.

The following links are the code (and how I’ve derived this Monad)


I checked the laws by manual rewriting. They seem to hold unless I’ve made a substitution mistake in the process.


It looks like Select where the computation returns both the “selected” value a and the “score” s. Indeed, this is a monad morphism:

morph :: S s a -> SC s a
morph (S f) = SC f (\k -> k (f k))

(Coq proof of the monad morphism laws)

One way SC could be more expressive than S is by having computations not expressible as morph f for some f :: S s a. It’s not difficult to come up with artificial examples, but perhaps there are more natural examples to adapt from the paper(s) on the selection monad.


Could the monad be defined as

data SC s a = SC {
    runSC :: (a -> s) -> (s, a)



Yes! In fact, I have transformed to SC from that type to emphasize it contains the continuation monad C as a component of the direct product.

Thank you for the checking. I’ve only done checking of Monad laws on few concrete values (like QuickCheck but makeshift, deterministic test)

Thank you for the comment. I didn’t noticed there’s a monad morphism S s ~> SC s in addition to projection C . runCont :: SC s ~> C s which happens to be a monad morphism too.

Seeking examples from the papers about selection monads sounds good! If I recall correctly there should be something about logic programming -esque applications.

I think it is better to write down how I’ve noticed this is a Monad, which is buried in the multiple places I linked in the first post.

First, I noticed the following R w is a Monad for every Comonad w while experimenting with
adjunctions between categories Set and Poly (PDF link) for
my recent functor-monad library.

-- | @R w@ is 'Monad' for every 'Comonad' @w@
newtype R w a = R { runR :: forall r. (a -> w r) -> r }
  deriving Functor

instance Comonad w => Applicative (R w) where
  pure x = R $ \k -> extract (k x)
  (<*>) = ap

instance Comonad w => Monad (R w) where
  rw >>= k = R $ \cont -> runR rw (\x -> runR (k x) (duplicate . cont))

In diagram, its monad operations are written like below:

pure =
      ↓ iso
    ∀r. (a -> r) -> r
      ↓ contravariantly map (extract :: ∀x. w x -> x)
    ∀r. (a -> w r) -> r
    R w a

join =
    R w (R w a)
    ∀r. (R w a -> w r) -> r
      ↓ covariantly map
      ↓   run :: R w a -> (a -> w (w r)) -> w r
      ↓   run = runR ma @(w r)
    ∀r. (((a -> w (w r)) -> w r) -> w r) -> r
    ∀r. Cont (w r) (a -> w (w r)) -> r
      ↓ contravariantly map
      ↓     pure :: (a -> w (w r)) -> Cont (w r) (a -> w (w r))
    ∀r. (a -> w (w r)) -> r
      ↓ contravariantly map (duplicate :: ∀x. w x -> w (w x))
    ∀r. (a -> w r) -> r
    R w a

I tried to understand this monad by calculating examples of R w by substituting w with concrete comonads. For example, R (Traced m) was isomorphic to Writer m monad. The monad SC s is R w when w is the Store s comonad.

R (Store s) a
〜 ∀r. (a -> (s -> r, s)) -> r
〜 ∀r. (a -> s -> r, a -> s) -> r
〜 ∀r. (a -> s -> r) -> (a -> s) -> r
〜 (a -> s) -> ∀r. (a -> s -> r) -> r
〜 (a -> s) -> (a, s)
〜 (a -> s -> a, a -> s -> s)
〜 SC s a
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