Adventures assembling records of capabilities

When using the ReaderT pattern, or a monad like RIO, it is common to store capabilities in a record, which is then made available to the program logic as a MonadReader environment.

Suppose we have an environment like the following:

data Env = Env { 
                    simple :: SimpleCapability,
                    complex :: ComplexCapability
               } deriving GHC.Generics.Generic
instance FromRecord Env -- From "red-black-record", will be useful later
instance ToRecord Env   -- Ditto.

And capabilities like

data SimpleCapability = SimpleCapability Int

data ComplexCapability = ComplexCapability SimpleCapability

They are trivial and we don’t care here about what methods they enable. But they do have configuration parameters, and the complex capability depends on the simple one. Both of them are available to this dumb bit of program logic:

dummyLogic :: ReaderT Env IO ()
dummyLogic = liftIO $ putStrLn "running the logic!"

Let’s assemble an environment:

env :: Env
env =
    let simple' = SimpleCapability 7
     in Env { simple = simple', complex = ComplexCapability simple' }

Simple enough! But there are two problems with this way of building the environment:

  • Our main program logic will read its dependencies from the environment record. However, our complex capabilities won’t read their own dependencies in the same way. Instead, these dependencies are assembled outside the record, in a let clause. This lack of uniformity between different levels is somewhat unpleasant, and it doesn’t happen in object-oriented dependency inversion frameworks.

  • More importantly, it doesn’t let us easily replace beans (sorry, I meant “capabilities”). If we have a value of Env lying around, and we overwrite the SimpleCapability field (say, with a mock version for testing purposes) then our main program logic will see the new capability, but our ComplexCapability will still see the original version :frowning:

How to solve this? It’s as if each field of the Env needed to have available the fully-constructed final value of the record… as the field itself is being constructed! But this is clearly impossible, so let’s give up. Thus finishes the post.

Just kidding. We can do that, with a bit of judicious knot-tying. First we must find a way to give the full Env record to each field. We can define an auxiliary OpenEnv data type and wrap each field with a Reader:

data OpenEnv = OpenEnv { 
                         simple' :: Reader Env SimpleCapability, 
                         complex' :: Reader Env ComplexCapability 

And then write a function with type

fixEnv :: OpenEnv -> Env

that we can call once we are done modifying the fields of OpenEnv. The function will tie the knot and return the fully constructed Env.

The pattern of wrapping all the fields of a record in a type constructor (Reader Env in our case) is sometimes called Higher-Kinded Data. We will take the approach of using the red-black-record and sop-core libraries to auto-derive these generalized representations from our vanilla data type.

So, instead of defining OpenEnv manually like we did above, we will define it like this:

openEnv :: Record (Reader Env) (RecordCode Env)
openEnv =
      insert @"simple"  (pure $ SimpleCapability 7)
    . insert @"complex" (makeComplex simple)
    $ unit

Using functions from red-black-record. The makeComplex constructor is defined like this:

makeComplex :: (r -> SimpleCapability) -> Reader r ComplexCapability
makeComplex getter = 
    do simple' <- asks getter
       pure $ ComplexCapability simple'

The constructor receives a getter for simplicity, in a real application it could obtain its dependencies using something like classy lenses or generic-lens.

We also need auxiliary functions that allows us to “tie the knot” and get an Env as the result:

    :: forall r flat. (FromRecord r, Productlike '[] (RecordCode r) flat, 
                       All Top flat)
    => Record (Reader r) (RecordCode r)
    -> r
fixRecord = unI . fixHelper I

    :: forall r flat f g. (FromRecord r, Productlike '[] (RecordCode r) flat,
                           All Top flat,
                           Functor g)
    => (NP f flat -> g (NP (Reader r) flat))
    -> Record f (RecordCode r)
    -> g r 
fixHelper adapt r = do
    let moveFunctionOutside np = runReader . sequence_NP $ np
        record2record np = fromRecord . fromNP <$> moveFunctionOutside np
    fix . record2record <$> adapt (toNP r)

These functions depend on other functions from sop-core, basically versions of sequence and other Applicative operations that have been generalized to work over n-ary products.

If we overwrite the simple field of openEnv with a mock capability, and pass the modified record to fixRecord, it will do the right thing and propagate the changes to the ComplexCapability, which will use the mock just as the main program logic will.

do let closedEnv = fixRecord openEnv 
   runReaderT dummyLogic closedEnv

That was nice. Now suppose—as it is often the case—that capabilities must allocate some resource that will be used for the duration of the computation. Perhaps a file handle for logging, or even some background thread.

How to incorporate this? We could wrap the construction of the environment in bracket-like operations. But this is unsatisfactory:

  • It disperses the code related to each capability: it moves the allocation away from where the capability is inserted in the record.

  • Even worse: it makes the allocation precede the construction of the record. We won’t have these nice, configurable “open environment” values directly at hand anymore, they will be hidden behind the allocation actions.

We can try a different strategy: putting the allocation code of each capability directly in the corresponding field of the open environment. How? By turning to the managed library and the magic of applicative functor composition:

managedOpenEnv :: Record (Managed :.: Reader Env) (RecordCode Env)
managedOpenEnv =
      insert @"simple"  (Comp $ pure $ pure $ SimpleCapability 7)
    . insert @"complex" (makeManagedComplex simple)
    $ unit

-- A capability constructor that performs an allocation
    :: (r -> SimpleCapability) -> (Managed :.: Reader r) ComplexCapability
makeManagedComplex getter = 
    Comp $ managed $ \cnt -> bracket_ (putStrLn "activating")
                                      (putStrLn "deactivating")
                                      (cnt $ makeComplex getter)

    :: forall r flat. (FromRecord r, Productlike '[] (RecordCode r) flat, 
                       All Top flat)
    => Record (Managed :.: Reader r) (RecordCode r)
    -> Managed r
fixManagedRecord = fixHelper sequence'_NP

:.: is a version of functor composition defined in sop-core. sequence'_NP is also from sop-core, it “pulls outward” one layer of the composition.

When we “fix” the managedOpenEnv using fixManagedRecord, we get a Managed action that we can run. If we modify a field before the “fix”, the allocations specified by the old field value won’t be performed. Configuration precedes allocation, as it should be!

with (fixManagedRecord managedOpenEnv) (runReaderT dummyLogic)

Notice the following limitation though: the capabilities specify their allocations actions before reading their dependencies from the environment. They can’t inspect their dependencies to decide what allocations to perform.

Anyway, now that we have started to compose applicatives, the sky is the limit! We could, for example, make each capability constructor carry around a parser for its own configuration. These parsers would be then assembled in a parser for a global configuration object.

What are the disadvantages of the approach described in this post?

Besides the complex types, there’s the usual bane of extensible record libraries: long compile times.

Also, this form of dependency injection is purely name-based: we wire capabilities according to their field names in the environment record. If instead we wanted smarted auto-wiring which used type information ("there’s only one available capability with type Foo, and this other capability needs a Foo") a library like registry would better.

The gist with the full code is available here.


It’s nice to see more of the higher-kinded data knot-tying technique in practice. If you want to see another application, the fixGrammar function from grammatical-parsers is the equivalent of the fixRecord above except for rank-2 records of parsers / grammar productions. It makes extensible left-recursive grammars wonderfully easy to construct.

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This is an interesting exercise, but if I was having the problem in this post, I would take a page from the ReaderT Design Pattern and abstract the way that the ComplexCapability is constructed:

module Misc.Complex where

import Control.Monad.Reader (MonadReader, ask)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO, liftIO)

data SimpleCapability = SimpleCapability Int
data ComplexCapability = ComplexCapability SimpleCapability
data Env = Env {simple :: SimpleCapability }

class HasComplex a where
  getComplex :: a -> ComplexCapability

instance HasComplex Env where
  getComplex env = ComplexCapability (simple env)

dummyLogic :: (MonadReader env m, HasComplex env, MonadIO m) => m ()
dummyLogic = do
  env <- ask
  let complex = getComplex env
  liftIO $ putStrLn "running the logic!"

Maybe this simply doesn’t scale?

That couples the definition of your Env type with how its fields are constructed. Sometimes that’s not what you want. For example, suppose ComplexCapability were defined like this:

data ComplexCapability = ComplexCapability { doComplexStuff :: Int -> IO () }

The internals are now hidden behind a function. This ComplexCapability could be built in multiple ways. Some might require SimpleCapability, some others (some mock implementation for testing perhaps) won’t. If you want to reuse the Env type with all of them, you can’t bake the ComplexCapability constructor in the typeclass.

I understand the problem and think it’s an interesting one to tackle but I couldn’t follow the post very easily after openEnv was introduced. (For example, how is simple brought into scope and what is its definition).

This post by Edsko explores a similar problem but without the complicated machinery.

simple is a field accessor from the Env type. The idea is that each field of the openEnv has access to the final Env record that we intend to construct, and from it extracts its own dependencies.

Record has two type parameters: one is a type constructor (usually some Applicative) with which we want to wrap each one of the fields. In the case of openEnv the Applicative is Reader Env, meaning that each field is actually a function from Env to the type associated to the field.

The second type parameter is a type-level map from field Symbols to Types, that says which fields are in the Record. We want it to mimic the structure of Env, so we extract the latter’s type-level map using the RecordCode type family.