Amazonka Requests for Testing

This thread is for particularly tricky PRs against the Amazonka repository, where I’d really appreciate some additional testing (because I can’t test everything myself, the service is not being offered to new customers, it’s a risky change with wide effect, etc.). If you are a user of Amazonka large or small, I would appreciate you subscribing here and helping out if you can.

My first request is for help testing PR 1031, which fixes the canonicalisation of query string parameters. This seems to fix a bug in S3 Select (which I do not have access to, as it’s not being offered to new customers), but query strings may be used in other AWS APIs. grepping botocore suggests that the following services might use them:

  • IAM
  • SNS
  • SimpleDB
  • CloudWatch
  • SES
  • RDS
  • STS
  • Elastic Load Balancing (v1 or v2)
  • SQS
  • DocumentDB
  • CloudSearch
  • Redshift
  • Application Auto Scaling
  • CloudFormation
  • Neptune
  • Elasticache (the control plane, not redis/memcache connections)
  • Elastic Beanstalk
  • Import/Export

If you use Amazonka to make API requests against one of these services, can you please test whether those requests continue to work under this PR?


Thank you for all your hard work on Amazonka!

I just tested the latest commit in your PR branch with Holmusk’s codebase (proprietary). From your list of affected packages we’re only using amazonka-ses. On top of that we’re also using amazonka-(autoscaling|ec2|s3|secretsmanager). Though we’re not using S3 Select. But I can at least confirm that none of the changes (since the official amazonka 2.0 release that we normally depend on) introduced any issues for us.


Thank you for this, it gives me at least some confidence that signing is still working in general.