Hello. Here I come with a question on type ambiguity. I typed it out in code to make it easier to follow and to paste it in your editor if you want to experiment with it.
It might seem silly, but now and then I find myself with these problems: for sure you can work around them (in this case by writing two functions), but it would be nice to know how to have the compiler accept those. Thanks in advance for any help!
{-# Language RankNTypes #-}
{-# Language AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
module Prova where
-- Say I have a game, composed of 2 parts, the main story and a minigame.
data Story
data MiniGame
data Game = Game Index Story MiniGame
-- Index is for «which part is currently running now?»
data Index = IStory | IMiniGame
data Surface = Surface -- drawing surface
-- Both MainStory and Index are instances of a Play class
class Play s where
draw :: s -> Surface -- what to blit
quit :: s -> Bool -- whether to exit
instance Play Story where
-- …
instance Play MiniGame where
-- …
-- gets a value using `Play` interface, depending on `Index`.
select :: Play s => Game -> (forall s. s -> a) -> a
select (Game i mag mig) f =
case i of
IStory -> f mag
IMiniGame -> f mig
-- I could write this function after turning AllowAmbiguousTypes on
-- -- but alas this test function — which simply fetches a bool depending
-- -- on Index — does not work.
-- test :: Game -> Bool
-- test g = select g quit
prova.hs:34:10-22: error:
• Ambiguous type variable ‘s0’ arising from a use of ‘select’
prevents the constraint ‘(Play s0)’ from being solved.
Probable fix: use a type annotation to specify what ‘s0’ should be.
These potential instances exist:
instance Play MiniGame -- Defined at prova.hs:21:10
instance Play Story -- Defined at prova.hs:19:10
• In the expression: select g quit
In an equation for ‘test’: test g = select g quit
34 | test g = select g quit
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
prova.hs:34:19-22: error:
• No instance for (Play s) arising from a use of ‘quit’
Possible fix:
add (Play s) to the context of
a type expected by the context:
forall s. s -> Bool
• In the second argument of ‘select’, namely ‘quit’
In the expression: select g quit
In an equation for ‘test’: test g = select g quit
34 | test g = select g quit
| ^^^^
-- Is there a way to write a working select/test? I understand why
-- GHC does not fancy it but it seems one of those cases where I
-- should be able to tell the compiler «trust me on this one.»
-- ExistentialQuantification won’t cut it, as I would have to modify
-- Story and Minigame sooner or later in the logic cycle.