My team at Anduril Industries is hiring Haskell engineers. Our team is somewhat unique in that we’re using Haskell to tackle systems programming and numerical (specifically digital signal processing) problems in an area where both software correctness and time to delivery are extremely important to our customers (hence our decision to use Haskell). Interest in or experience with any of the following would be big differentiating factors:
- Digital radio/SDRs/wireless systems of any kind
- Numerical programming
- Low(er) level Haskell, i.e. talking to custom hardware, FFI, network protocol implementation, performance profiling and tuning, etc.
- Nix/NixOS, specifically IOG’s Haskell.nix
- Linux internals, specifically linking, loading, and working with the C ABI
- Dhall
- FPGAs, PLDs, VHDL, or Verilog, specifically Xilinx devices
Here’s the link to the opportunity on our jobs portal: Anduril Industries - Electronic Warfare Software Engineer
Our team is generally 100% in-office (we are located in Costa Mesa, California, USA), since we work with custom hardware in an RF laboratory. I’d be happy to answer any questions here, or you can reach me at