[ANN] cabal-install-

The Cabal team is excited to announce the release of cabal-install 3.4. This is the third release of the 3.0 release series, bringing a support for the Cabal-Version: 3.4 .cabal file format. This introduces a number of user-facing features including:

  • Support for GHC 9.0
  • Package sublibrary dependency syntax
  • Allowing omission of the default-language declaration
  • A mixins field allowing the user to specify a sublibrary
  • Many other features

In addition, the cabal-install frontend itself has gained a number of new features including:

  • New active-repositories cabal.project fields allowing users to specify an order and various ways of combining package repositories
  • Improvements to cabal init
  • A rework of the cabal v2-sdist command. cabal v1-sdist is removed as of this version
  • source-repository-package directories are no longer local
  • A new list-bin command
  • cabal sandbox is now removed in favor of default nix-style builds
  • cabal list now accepts regular expressions
  • More rich index-state syntax. v2-freeze saves index-state

I’d also like to thank the many contributors who offered patches, tickets, and other help in the preparation of this release. We appreciate all of your help!

For a full set of release notes, see https://github.com/haskell/cabal/blob/master/release-notes/cabal-install- If you have issues, we’d love to hear about there here: https://github.com/haskell/cabal/issues.

Happy hacking!



It would be nice to update the offial download page: it is still linking cabal-

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I’ve gotten access and made updates to the site @jneira. It should be live