[ANN] The mock library mockcat can now create partial mocks, and stubs for nonrecurring IO actions

Hello, I am the developer of the mock library mockcat.
I’d like to introduce you to the recent release, which now allows you to create partial mocks, and stubs for nonrecurring IO actions.

Partial mock

Starting with version 0.4.0, only some functions of a typeclass can be stub functions.

For example, suppose you have a typeclass ApiClient and a function fetchData that uses that typeclass.

class Monad m => ApiClient m where
  makeRequest :: String -> m ByteString
  parseResponse :: ByteString -> m (Maybe Int)

fetchData :: ApiClient m => String -> m (Maybe Int)
fetchData url = do
  response <- makeRequest url
  parseResponse response

In this example, we want to use some real functions, so we implement an IO instance.

instance ApiClient IO where
  makeRequest url = do
    request <- parseRequest url
    response <- httpLBS request
    pure $ getResponseBody response

  parseResponse response = 
    case decode response of
      Just (ApiResponse obj) -> pure (Just obj)
      Nothing -> pure Nothing

newtype ApiResponse = ApiResponse { value :: Int }
  deriving (Generic, Show)

instance FromJSON ApiResponse

The makeRequest function performs HTTP communication to the outside world, so you want to replace it with a mock in your test.
On the other hand, parseResponse has no external dependencies, so we want to test it with a real function.
In other words, you want to mock it partially.
In this case, use the makePartialMock function.

makePartialMock [t|ApiClient|]

With this function, a function that does not setup a stub function becomes a real function.
Let’s look at an example of its use.

spec :: Spec
spec = do
  it "Fetch data with mocked response" do
    result <- runMockT do
      _makeRequest $ "https://example.com" |> BS.pack "{\"value\": 42}"
      fetchData "https://example.com"
    result `shouldBe` Just 42

  it "Handle invalid response" do
    result <- runMockT do
      _makeRequest $ "https://example.com" |> BS.pack "invalid response"
      fetchData "https://example.com"
    result `shouldBe` Nothing

There are two cases tested, but in both cases only the stub function of makeRequest is provided.
So parseResponse will use the real function.
Since the context for running the tests is IO, the parseResponse of the IO instance is used.
In this way, you can test the desired function while using a stub function only for the parts that are hard to test.

The all code is here.

Stub that returns type IO a.

Starting with version 0.5.0, it is possible to create stub functions that return a different value each time they are applied, as long as the stub function returns type IO a.

A function that returns type IO a is a function with the following signature

returnIO :: IO a
returnIO = ...

Here is a concrete example.
Given the following typeclass Teletype and function echo.

class Monad m => Teletype m where
  readTTY :: m String
  writeTTY :: String -> m ()

echo :: Teletype m => m ()
echo = do
  i <- readTTY
  case i of
    "" -> pure ()
    _  -> writeTTY i >> echo

The function echo is a branching function that depends on the result of readTTY.
The function echo branches depending on the result of readTTY.
If an empty string is returned, () is returned, otherwise writeTTY is applied and recursion occurs.
Therefore, at a minimum, you will want to write tests for two patterns: if an empty string is returned and if it is not.
You can see that you can write a test for the case where an empty string is returned without any problem, but the test for the case where a non-empty string is returned is not so easy to write.
If a non-empty value is returned, the test recurses, but if a non-empty value is not returned at some point, the test will loop infinitely.
In other words, it must return a different value each time it is applied.
And we need to be able to do it with a function that has no arguments.

Let us show that it can be done.
First, generate a mock with the following options.
implicitMonadicReturn = False is an option to allow explicit monadic values to be returned.

makeMockWithOptions [t|Teletype|] options { implicitMonadicReturn = False }

The test will look like this
In the second case of test , a stub function of _readTTY is provided that returns “a” the first time and empty characters the second and subsequent times.

spec :: Spec
spec = do
  it “The process ends when an empty string is returned.” do
    result <- runMockT do
      _readTTY $ pure @IO “”
    result `shouldBe` ()

  it “If a non-empty character is returned, it is recursed.
    result <- runMockT do
      _readTTY $ do
        onCase $ pure @IO “a”
        onCase $ pure @IO “”

      _writeTTY $ “a” |> pure @IO ()
    result `shouldBe` ()

The all code is here.

By default, if you return a normal value like _readTTY “”, mockcat automatically wraps it in pure.
In the case of this example, we want to make it clear that it is IO.

Extra (Polysemy version of Teletype)

You can also test Polysemy version of Teletype with mockcat.

spec :: Spec
spec = do
  it “Teletype” do
    readTTYStubFn <- createStubFn do 
      onCase $ pure @IO “output”
      onCase $ pure @IO “”
    writeTTYMock <- createMock $ “output” |> pure @IO ()

    let runEcho = interpret $ \case
          ReadTTY -> embed readTTYStubFn
          WriteTTY text -> embed $ stubFn writeTTYMock text

    result <- (runM . runEcho) echo

    result `shouldBe` ()
    writeTTYMock `shouldApplyTo` “output”

The all code is here.