BearLibTerminal v0.1 - Haskell bindings to the BearLibTerminal graphics library for roguelike games

Github: GitHub - PPKFS/bearlibterminal-hs: Low level Haskell bindings to the BearLibTerminal graphics library.

Finally got around to cleaning it up, haddocking everything, and getting it up on Hackage.

A screenshot from the example showing multiple tilesets and sizes:

This is a (relatively) low level binding to BearLibTerminal, which is a graphics/event handling library for making roguelike-style games (terminal emulator or tileset kind of things).

I’ve ported some of the examples to Haskell (in the omni directory) but I believe it is a complete binding already.

Now I’ve got this properly done (with the exception of integrating the C library, which I have no idea about how to reasonably do with Cabal…) I can go back to working on a higher level game engine wrapper - one that has logic for e.g. viewports and is more declarative - around this and to port the famous roguelike tutorial to Haskell.

Doing my best to dispel the notion that Haskell is completely unsuitable for gamedev!