Consider this type of heterogeneous binary trees, where I apply Maybe
to every leaf:
data S a b = S a b
type family MaybeTree a where
MaybeTree (S a b) = S (MaybeTree a) (MaybeTree b)
MaybeTree a = Maybe a
I can calculate on the type level whether a certain type is a type of nodes or leaves:
type family Node a where
Node (S a b) = 'True
Node a = 'False
But I can’t figure out how to use this information:
myJust :: (Node a ~ 'False) => a -> MaybeTree a
myJust = Just
-- Could not deduce (MaybeTree a ~ Maybe a)
-- from the context: Node a ~ 'False
Basically, I would like to recurse over the two “patterns” of the type family, and derive a contradiction in the S
case. Can I work around this, without changing the definition of S
and MaybeTree
What I’ve tried so far
instance (GJust a, GJust b) => GJust (S a b) where
gJust (S a b) = S (gJust a) (gJust b)
instance GJust a where
gJust = Just
-- Couldn't match type: MaybeTree a
-- with: Maybe a
Also, adding a (Composite a ~ 'False)
constraint to the second instance doesn’t help.
I don’t understand why GHC doesn’t complain about overlapping instances here.
data Sing a where
SingS :: Sing a -> Sing b -> Sing (S a b)
SingA :: Sing a
singJust :: Sing a -> a -> MaybeTree a
singJust (SingS sa sb) (S a b) = S (singJust sa a) (singJust sb b)
singJust SingA a = Just a
Same problem.
Classes with type family definition inside
instance (HasMaybeTree a, HasMaybeTree b) => HasMaybeTree (S a b) where
-- error: Conflicting family instance declarations
type MaybeTree' (S a b) = S (MaybeTree' a) (MaybeTree' b)
hasJust (S a b) = S (hasJust a) (hasJust b)
instance HasMaybeTree a where
type MaybeTree' a = a
hasJust = Just