CLC Elections January 2025

Core Libraries Committee seeks nominations for three expiring seats (including my own).

What is CLC?

CLC is a volunteer body, primarily tasked with management of API of base package, but also owning so-called Core Libraries and responsible for PVP. You can find more at our home page.

Who should apply?

Anyone who meets the following criteria should apply:

  • Candidates should have enough bandwidth to review merge requests to base on a semi-frequent basis (~3-4 per month), and sustain this for their 3 years term in a healthy manner.
  • Candidates should be able to contribute opinions and analysis to issues raised by the community as a part of the CLC proposal process on a semi-frequent basis (~7 per month).
  • Candidates should be good communicators, and at least be able to articulate to the CLC team when they will be available vs. unavailable.
  • Candidates should be productive, and be able to follow through on merge requests and conversations to their completion in a diligent and timely manner.

We encourage any and all who satisfy these requirements to apply. Please note that we are not looking for the biggest galaxy brain in the room – quite the opposite. We are looking for productive, motivated individuals who want to help support the ecosystem that we love. As such, we hope to build a broad sample of the community.

How can I apply?

To apply for one of these positions, send an email to that consists of the following data:

  • The subject “CLC Election September 2025 - {your name}”.
  • Why you think you’re a good fit given the above criteria.
  • If applicable, please point us to some code you’ve written.

Please apply before Feb 2.


To give people a better idea about the workload and service level at CLC (and to up the topic ;), here is the output of

$ ./Statistics.hs
Timeframe: since 2021-10-23 until 2025-01-15

Total number of CLC proposals: 250
Rate of proposals:  6 per month
Approved proposals: 134
Declined proposals: 9

Median  time from creation to decision: 48 days
Average time from creation to decision: 83 days
Median  time from creation to approval: 50 days
Average time from creation to approval: 84 days
Fastest approval:
	2 hours for "Use HasCallStack and error in GHC.List and .NonEmpty"
2nd fastest approval:
	34 hours for "Remove default method from Bitraversable"
2nd slowest approval:
	395 days for "`base` changes for exception backtrace proposal"
Slowest approval:
	767 days for "Make NonEmpty functions less gratuitously lazy"

Total activity: 6465 comments
Median  activity per proposal:          18 comments
Average activity per proposal:          26 comments
Median  activity per approved proposal: 21 comments
Average activity per approved proposal: 30 comments
Least active approved proposal:
	1 comment for "Export List from GHC.List"
2nd least active approved proposal:
	6 comments for "Make cast between words and floats real primops"
2nd most active:
	171 comments for "Proposal: Remove method (/=) from class Eq"
Most active:
	177 comments for "Add {-# WARNING #-} to Data.List.{head,tail}"

Released in base-4.16: 1
Released in base-4.17: 11
Released in base-4.18: 24
Released in base-4.19: 25
Released in base-4.20: 34
Released in base-4.21: 24
Released in base-4.22: 5

Open proposals: 6
Median  age for open proposals: 99 days
Average age for open proposals: 70 days
Newest open proposal:
	11 days for "Add stripSuffix to Data.List"
Oldest open proposal:
	101 days for "Add a suitable {-# WARNING in "x-partial" ... #-} to Data.List.{init,last}"

I’ve sent emails acknowledging all nominations received at If you nominated yourself and didn’t receive an acknowledgement, please contact me via any other channel.

If you have not nominated yourself yet, you have one more week left!


Last day to apply for CLC elections!


Congratulation to the new members!

And many thanks to the old members whose term has ended:

This year we had a lot of strong applicants, so the committee size has been adjusted to 10.

@angerman and myself will be serving as new chairs, since Andrew’s term has ended.


Thank you @Bodigrim for your leadership of the CLC!


Many thanks to @Bodigrim for his service as CLC chair over the past few years, including rebooting the CLC to its current form, along with thanks to Melanie for her CLC service of several years too. I’m glad we’ve got a great new crop of CLC members to continue to guide base, under the chairship of @angerman and @hasufell.


I’d like to offer a huge thank-you all members of CLC, and especially to @Bodigrim for his leadership.

It’s not particularly romantic to spend time litigating the fine details of Haskell’s core libraries, but we all benefit (a lot) from the care and attention to detail that members of the committee put into the work of the CLC.

Thank you very much!
