First impressions…
Surprised finding so much similar things in haskell and elm.
On the other hand, annoyed about some differences
Example functions for integer divisions
in Elm 7 // 3 == 2 missing in Haskell, in Haskell divide 7 3 missing in Elm
floor (7 / 3) same in Elm and Haskell
I was translating one of my elm programs to haskell, namely the function of Julian Date JDN calculated from the given date. See my elm code function jdnGr
I should add lots of parentheses changing all ( x // y ) in elm to (divide x y) in haskell
Well, I found just a haskell package containing julian date in the date.time library.
Next I should learn, how to use it as imported to my code.
I like a lot haskell utility ghci with handy features, elm repl is comparable tool.
I miss anyway in haskell a dev tool similar to elm reactor.
I don’t understand the meaning of the number 7 argument of infixl, just realised only that changing the value too low will show incorrect result values.