I’ve been working on this project for the past few days, and I’ve finally hit cabal run to try it out, but I got this very very cryptic error message that I couldn’t decypher:
/home/theonlytails/IdeaProjects/aura_lang/dist-newstyle/build/x86_64-linux/ghc-8.10.7/aura-lang- error: undefined reference to 'aurazmlangzm0zi1zi0zi0zminplace_Syntax_zdfShowExpressionzuzdcshow_closure'
(something like that, repeating ~100 times)
Could anyone please help me figure it out? because I am lost.
That did the trick, thank you so much! I didn’t use either Lexer or Syntax outside of the src/ folder, so I guess I didn’t realize it was necessary to expose them.