CS SYD: Announcing ical: A pessimistic iCalendar (RFC 5545) library



Could you please clarify what the licensing terms are? I couldn’t find that information in the repo.

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I haven’t chosen a license yet. Get in touch if you or your company want to use ical :slight_smile:

The first link in the post links to the old iCalendar package instead of your new ical package.

Edit: it seems to be fixed now!

@NorfairKing I’m a huge fan of your work, but, strictly speaking, I cannot clone and compile your package to give it a try, because there is no license to permit making copies and using them.

(Edited, I apologise for being rude in the original reply)


@NorfairKing I’m a huge fan of your work

Great! Then hire me please :stuck_out_tongue:

but, strictly speaking, I cannot clone and compile your package to give it a try, because there is no license to permit making copies and using them.

Feel free to try ical out to see if it does what you want it to and let me know if you’d like to use it.
I haven’t chosen a license yet because I don’t know yet if I want to give away months of free work and/or how, only to then have to do more free work because it now has users.


4 posts were split to a new topic: Maintaining a package & free work

Thanks! So far I got stuck on building validity-network-uri:

src/Data/Validity/URI.hs:78:15: error: [GHC-88464]
    Variable not in scope:
      decorateString :: [Char] -> (Char -> Validation) -> Validation

That’s strange! Did you nix develop beforehand or just YOLO with cabal?
ical uses a specific version of the validity packages.

I don’t use Nix, so yeah, it was with Cabal :slight_smile:

But I’m not sure that it’s solver’s fault: there is a single release of validity-network-uri: Validity instances for URI, and Hackage builder reports the same error: Hackage: Build #2 for validity-network-uri-

@Bodigrim Non-nix workflows aren’t supported because I don’t use them.
You can use either stack (there’s a stack.yaml in the repo) or nix develop to get the right versions.

@tomjaguarpaw this kind of support is an example of the “more free work” I was talking about, FWIW.